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  1. Myth2039

    First setup, all input welcome!

    Also would like to add, that my basement is very, very dark due to all the little riggings i did to the windows and door.(i literally boarded up the windows on the one door so light wouldnt penetrate, then used duct tape:D) So really the only light that could even effect the flowering room would...
  2. Myth2039

    First setup, all input welcome!

    measurements, yeah i didnt take them, ill get back to you on that lol. the HPS is 400 watts At the moment i have these 9 plants *bag stuff* iam waiting on some special delievery high grade stuff, so i was thinking maybe 2 mothers, possibly a 3rd that i'll just force bud. As for the height...
  3. Myth2039

    First setup, all input welcome!

    haha wasnt really going for stealthy, i really never have anyone come over, i boarded up the windows, and the door that leads outside from the basement. so its pretty secure i just didnt want to draw attention to myself asking to borrow tools and giving blant reasons, haha.
  4. Myth2039

    First setup, all input welcome!

    Hello all, this is my first grow setup: Basically for my veggie room i used 2 4ft Floursecents, and hooks in the ceiling with a chain so i can adjust the height. As for my flowering room, Due to the lack of tools (more so the fact of how i would explain to anyone why i need to borrow them) I...