First setup, all input welcome!


Hello all, this is my first grow setup:

Basically for my veggie room i used 2 4ft Floursecents, and hooks in the ceiling with a chain so i can adjust the height.

As for my flowering room, Due to the lack of tools (more so the fact of how i would explain to anyone why i need to borrow them) I did it as inexpensive and rigged as possible.. I nailed garbage bags around, and also used clear tape to hold it in place(even made the roll up part out of 3 bags and tape lol) I did not setup any form of exhaust yet because im kinda stumped on how im going to do it at the moment, was hoping someone could help me out on that part, lol.
I do plan to get another fan for there, the two light sources are on timers already and set to the 18-6 and 12-12 cycles :).
Any input, even the smallest thing would help me out, so please any feed back=).

Just a ps, i do realize i did not finish the veggie room off with the polymylar, i thought 3 rolls would be enough >.<.



Active Member
Hello all, this is my first grow setup:

Basically for my veggie room i used 2 4ft Floursecents, and hooks in the ceiling with a chain so i can adjust the height.

As for my flowering room, Due to the lack of tools (more so the fact of how i would explain to anyone why i need to borrow them) I did it as inexpensive and rigged as possible.. I nailed garbage bags around, and also used clear tape to hold it in place(even made the roll up part out of 3 bags and tape lol) I did not setup any form of exhaust yet because im kinda stumped on how im going to do it at the moment, was hoping someone could help me out on that part, lol.
I do plan to get another fan for there, the two light sources are on timers already and set to the 18-6 and 12-12 cycles :).
Any input, even the smallest thing would help me out, so please any feed back=).

Just a ps, i do realize i did not finish the veggie room off with the polymylar, i thought 3 rolls would be enough >.<.

Just kidding, nice start.



Just kidding, nice start.
haha wasnt really going for stealthy, i really never have anyone come over, i boarded up the windows, and the door that leads outside from the basement. so its pretty secure i just didnt want to draw attention to myself asking to borrow tools and giving blant reasons, haha.


Active Member

It looks like your flower area is what, 3 feet wide by 5 feet long by 4 feet tall?

How many watts is that light in the flower room?

How many plants will be in there?

How do you plan on controlling the height of the plants (SOG, ScrOG, LST)?

Are you going to have plants vegging at the same time you have plants flowering? If so, how will you make sure the flower room is light-tight?

How high does the temperature get in the room your setup is in?

Are those vents in the ceiling?


measurements, yeah i didnt take them, ill get back to you on that lol.

the HPS is 400 watts

At the moment i have these 9 plants *bag stuff* iam waiting on some special delievery high grade stuff, so i was thinking maybe 2 mothers, possibly a 3rd that i'll just force bud.

As for the height control if it really becomes a problem i can always move the setup to the floor, move the hooks and just mount higher, i can literally use this entire basement for veggie stage.

Pretty sure i will have both rooms going at once, i Most of the flowering room is pretty light sealed, i took nails to the bags and made sure they were hoisted high enough, Now i only have one problem the bags didnt reach the end of the table, So what ill probably do is get a piece of wood and make it go higher in height than tha bag. Also since i did this rigged setup my wires are running thru the bag, i can always stuff it with socks, or something dumb that'll do the job.

As for temperature its very cool down there, im going to guess 72ish, no external therm. (yet)

As for the vents, its lights out for the babies right now but im pretty sure they're not, think its lightbulb sockets the owner had left (yes inside the ceiling, lol)


Also would like to add, that my basement is very, very dark due to all the little riggings i did to the windows and door.(i literally boarded up the windows on the one door so light wouldnt penetrate, then used duct tape:D) So really the only light that could even effect the flowering room would be the flouresent lights, And i took extra precautions on that one garbage bag/wall, whatever u wanna call it, its pretty shut.


Active Member
measurements, yeah i didnt take them, ill get back to you on that lol.

the HPS is 400 watts

At the moment i have these 9 plants *bag stuff* iam waiting on some special delievery high grade stuff, so i was thinking maybe 2 mothers, possibly a 3rd that i'll just force bud.

As for the height control if it really becomes a problem i can always move the setup to the floor, move the hooks and just mount higher, i can literally use this entire basement for veggie stage.

Pretty sure i will have both rooms going at once, i Most of the flowering room is pretty light sealed, i took nails to the bags and made sure they were hoisted high enough, Now i only have one problem the bags didnt reach the end of the table, So what ill probably do is get a piece of wood and make it go higher in height than tha bag. Also since i did this rigged setup my wires are running thru the bag, i can always stuff it with socks, or something dumb that'll do the job.

As for temperature its very cool down there, im going to guess 72ish, no external therm. (yet)

As for the vents, its lights out for the babies right now but im pretty sure they're not, think its lightbulb sockets the owner had left (yes inside the ceiling, lol)
The following are my suggestions for the flower area:

With a 400 watt light you should limit your grow area to 3' X 3' for optimal results IMO, but you could get away with a 3' X 4' area.

If you don't put a cool tube on the light you'll have to keep the light at least 2', probably more, away from the tops of the plants. Add 10" or so for the pots and another 1' - 2' for hanging the lamp and I'm pretty sure you're not going to have enough height without going to the floor.

If it was me, on a minimal budget and limited tools, I would build a grow tent using pcv pipe as a frame and wrap it with Ultreflect or Black and White Poly and use velcro to seal up my access points. But that's just me.

As far as smell and venting, I would make a DYI filter and connect it to a 6" 200 - 250 cfm fan and run it through some ducting and out a window. If that's not feasible, you'll probably be OK just venting into the room.

Just my opinion based on the pictures...


Well if thats the case ill build a flowering room in the morning, i did buy wood i can just seal off a corner :).


looks like you could use a little more room in the veg "chamber", if thats thats what that is. How tall is that?


Well-Known Member
put the hps light vertical.. and cool tube it out the bottom of the bench.. maximize your space.. and it makes for a good cool tube design..

i agree with anyone who's saying there will be a height restriction here.. you will have to keep them very short.. or some crazy training...

measure from the light to the top of the pot... how much space do you have here?


Well-Known Member
and if i were you i'd take the right corner where there is no bench and make a much tall spot.. and use the whole bench for veg...


Well i took the other person advice and made myself a 6.3 inchx3 Enclosure for my flowering, this is just the frame so far, ill be ordering the Black& White poly later this month :). I also put hooks for hanging the lights, and for a bungie cord to hold a side up when i wanna see my ladies :D, as for the table, the measurements are 3 Ft 8 inches from ceiling to bench.Now ive ran into some what of a problem and i was wondering if anyone knew the answer or a better solution.. Somehow the housing to my Flouresent lights, one of them isnt working now, this is a set back in my "cheap" setup so i was wondering if anyone knew if just 1 4ft could support 2 Vegging plants, i do want to mother so i probably will be growing them as tall as possible. Atm they're under the HPS on a 18-6 cycle, 18 inches away from the tops of the plant. I also got a small fan running as well. Advice anyone?

