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  1. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    read the thread everyday mate, same ol shite, not growing at the mo Zedd so just keeping me self to me self aint much input to a growing thread when ya not growing lol
  2. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    that aint no tall story, think he had 0.04 of hash stuck to the shoe and got 4yrs.
  3. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    me mates grow-spot got done by blaggers wk or so back, silly fucks managed to get away with 2 light hoods minus the ballasts lmao and the gaff was littered with harvested plants (was 10-14 days too late) and alot more equipment must have been well pissed off.... fuck no's who it was but shit...
  4. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    not in the UK, here it has been totally legal for a long time, but i think just recently its finally been made ilegal.
  5. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    its the price don, cheapest hardest buzz for the proper wreckheads,its huge in the UK aswel, homeless n prison, think they not long ago finally banned it and made illegal tho.
  6. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah abe it was shit but i was a kid and didnt see it for what it was at the time, when i grew up and opened me eyes it was fucking painful i use to look up to me oldman so much as a kid thought he was the bollax when all he was and is a spiteful nasty oldcunt. i tried to sort things out with...
  7. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    dont think the hulk cares much bout a house didnt he just get 160million or something?
  8. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    done me no good at all abe, i remember as a kid me oldman taking me n me sisters xmas shopping at toy r us every yr we would all get a trolley and he would just say get what u want the flash cunt, but then dig at me mum about what she hadnt got us....
  9. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    dunno bout kicks to the gonads lol but bout 12-13 we use to do blowbacks then have ya mate strangle ya in a full nelson till you tapped out n couldnt take no more then that oxygen rush on top the rocky blowback would pretty much make you pass out lmao good times.....
  10. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah i had a em when they first come out, and the reebok pumps was a lucky lil fucker as kid got pretty much everything i wanted, was more from me old man who didnt live with us and as i got older see it for what it was the cunt just trying to put me mum down by buying us everything she couldnt...
  11. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    didnt no they where even still made yman? thats another 90s jobby aint it?
  12. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fuck i member them trainers, was like fishing line in them that tightened the trainer as you wound up the disk i fucked them within a matter of weeks lol tightend too much and broke em.
  13. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i member when i was a kid i use to think it was good trainers that made ya run fast not that i was just a fatfuck and slow lol
  14. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i remember when i got a pair as a kid musta been the 90s? fuck i thought i was badarse lol
  15. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    livers is stinkier and tastier than the exo/pyscho when done right but imo its daytime smoke even at 10wk chop and yeah ive grown it many times. ''cheese'' in most places nowdays is just a byword for stinky gear, ive sold enough livers as ''cheese'' lol
  16. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    rebook pumps for the win......
  17. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i had neither, ended up a grab bag of cheese of onion lol
  18. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    or a bacon,sausage,mushroom n cheese french stick hmmmmmm
  19. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    could murder a nice steak n eggs for breaky....