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  1. S

    ROOM light turned on during night time 12/12 (flowering)

    i am feeding them 4 ml of top max every other watering from bio bizz which suppose to be a Molasses based additive i have learned about molasses only after buying this expensive shit . live and learn
  2. S

    ROOM light turned on during night time 12/12 (flowering)

    here are my girls four weeks into flowering bare in mind in i have no idea how to take pictures well. ghs cheese . im new to growing but was reading alot of the things begin said about ghs...
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    ROOM light turned on during night time 12/12 (flowering)

    for the really really quick relaxation you have brought me :bigjoint: i was afraid i really massed up so its good to hear im doing fine. and to hear you can actually reverse the hermie . still hope i wont get it ofcource
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    ROOM light turned on during night time 12/12 (flowering)

    I forgot to mention I'm 4 weeks into flowering all is going well everything looks dank and white
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    ROOM light turned on during night time 12/12 (flowering)

    Thello yesterday I've made a big mistake and accidently left the ceiling light on in my growing ROOM while the plant went into 12/12 note: inside my grow room there's the growing closet, which has its own growing light (430W plus 2 smaller lamps) (I don't actually use the ceiling light for...
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    light accidently flashed for half second during 12/12 at night

    that's good news to me, thanks for the quick answer.. I mean that was FAST! thanks again ;)
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    light accidently flashed for half second during 12/12 at night

    hello I'm growing 2 feminised plants and am now at 10 days into flowering. a few minutes ago accidentely made the room light flash for literally half a second, at approx 4 hours after they "went to bed".note that it the wasn't the closet light that went on, but the room light that the closet...