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  1. K


    my plants are only 6 to 8 in tall at max
  2. K


    Should I be replanting my plants from seedling trays to 9" pots or should I be re planting them 2 or 3 times as they get bigger?
  3. K

    Could use a professional opinion......

    I would use the weight test, but I am in 9" pots watering 1 cup every 2 to 3 days. I think I am over watering because I am getting mold on the soil fromt he water and hudmitity.
  4. K

    Could use a professional opinion......

    Also having issues telling how huch to water them and how often, i know the finger test but I am worring about pushing into the roots.
  5. K

    Could use some help......

    I do not know what to do or if I am doing something wrong. I am at the end of week 5. I made the initial rookie mistake and used mariclegrow... I know major mistake. After 4 weeks I transplanted to FoxFarm Organic soil. On the 24th I made the transplant. I was told to keep it at only water...
  6. K

    Could use a professional opinion......

    I do not know what to do or if I am doing something wrong. I am at the end of week 5. I made the initial rookie mistake and used mariclegrow... I know major mistake. After 4 weeks I transplanted to FoxFarm Organic soil. On the 24th I made the transplant. I was told to keep it at only water...