Could use a professional opinion......


I do not know what to do or if I am doing something wrong. I am at the end of week 5. I made the initial rookie mistake and used mariclegrow... I know major mistake. After 4 weeks I transplanted to FoxFarm Organic soil. On the 24th I made the transplant. I was told to keep it at only water for the first 2 weeks due tot he nuitrence in the soil. So I am about a week and a half into the transplant, and of my 5th week total in the grow and my tallest plant is 7" to 8". I still have a few that are no more than 3"-4". I relizedwas over watering and changed that. I am using strain WW with 24 hour light in a 75 degree room at a humidity level average of 65. What am i doing wrong or what do i need to o to help move it along. I have more seeds ready to plant, but i want to make sure i dont mess it up before i wste more. Also I am using t12 lighting. I know not the best, but I will upgrade once I knwo i am doing right. I have all the nutrience for use, just want to make sure I am on the right track to save them from my initial startup mistake, mariclegrow.


bud bootlegger
so long as the plants aren't yellowing or getting burnt, i'd say you're doing fine m8 and not stress too much over it honestly..

pix would help obviously..

the only thing i'd suggest is switching the lighting from being on 24 hours a day to either 20 hours on and 4 hours off, or 18 hours on and 6 off.. i tried the 24 / 7 thing in the past and it seems that plants like some sort of dark period and seemed to grow a bit better when they had a chance to rest for a few hours ( dark period )...

other than that, without pix, it'd be kind of hard to tell if anything is really wrong with the plants imo.. :D


Well-Known Member
Could use a few pics, it would help, sounds like they might be in shock from the transplant and overwatering, keep it on water for awhile, I'd let it go and see what happens.


Also having issues telling how huch to water them and how often, i know the finger test but I am worring about pushing into the roots.


Ursus marijanus
Imo part of your issue is the T12s ... a rather soft light source. For that sort of lighting, you're doing OK.

I have found that keeping a blank pot of dry soil as a weight reference works much better than the finger test. It also means no more compressing the air out of the soil. cn


I would use the weight test, but I am in 9" pots watering 1 cup every 2 to 3 days. I think I am over watering because I am getting mold on the soil fromt he water and hudmitity.


Well-Known Member
This stunted plants have had issues for some time now and it has nothing to do with miracle grow. They are stunted plants out of seedling stage due to either temps too hot, under watering or under feeding. Next time add about 30 % perlite to the mix and est them in a cooler environment with a less powerful light. Start again imo your flogging a dead horse with those ones.


Ursus marijanus
Dissenting opinion. I'll bet the OP will feel good ... and learn much ... by growing them until they thrive. It'll be slow but worth the learning process imo.

I think these are overwatered. Watering pots like that every two days is excessive. I could go nine to eleven with small plants in Happy Frog. cn


bud bootlegger
Dissenting opinion. I'll bet the OP will feel good ... and learn much ... by growing them until they thrive. It'll be slow but worth the learning process imo.

I think these are overwatered. Watering pots like that every two days is excessive. I could go nine to eleven with small plants in Happy Frog. cn
i tend to side with cn on this one.. i'm not one to tell people to toss plants in the circular file unless they are pretty much beyond help, which i really don't see these plants being.. a lil stunted yes, but definitely able to recover with a bit of love..

as far as when and how much to water op, i simply like to water until i see a bit of water running out of the bottom of the pots.. when to water again, well, there's a few theories on that one.. some people like to wait till the pots feel light.. simply pick up the pots and get a good feel for the weight after you water them.. then every day or so pick them up again and get a feel for them.. when they need water, they will feel really light, much, much lighter than they did after a good watering..

the second school of thought is the good ole finger method.. simply stick a finger into the soil and see how wet it feels on your finger.. if it's still wet down to the knuckle, it should be wet enough..
i prefer to pick up the pots personally, but it does take a bit of practice to get a feel for it.. the sad thing is that under watered plants and over watered plants can look pretty much the same, so it can be hard to diagnose till you get a good feel for it..