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  1. mp377t

    Auto flower?

    so far I am happy with my autos. I have one that will be done in about 3 weeks and another thats got about 5 weeks left. I bought lowlifes auto mixed pack from dr chronic. 15 seeds for $48 not bad with a 100% germ rate so far. I have had 3 males and 3 females. Everytime one shows balls I...
  2. mp377t

    my leaves are turning BLACK! HELP please

    here are the most recent pictures taken minutes ago. I started adding fox farms grow big to my water because it is high in nitrogen which I am hoping was my problem. The blackness seems to have slowed down spreading.
  3. mp377t

    PH phucked up or what?

    smoke again?
  4. mp377t

    Best time to check trichomes..lights on or off?

    alright I just check them and it is looking like most of them are clear with some being amber. Can I expect to harvest maybe next week? I have been flowering for approximatly 8.5 weeks or so. I'm getting a little impatient and really want to smoke some good stuff since I can't get it around here.
  5. mp377t

    Growing Fuk Ups

    I know this was stupid, but I was probably 16 when this happened. I decided to setup my 5 ft tall footlocker into a grow locker. I put 2' floros on each side and a dumb little plant bulb hanging in the center. I had 4 seedlings going that were about 8 inches or so. Oh and this locker was in...
  6. mp377t

    Best time to check trichomes..lights on or off?

    well I would check the trichs then turn my lights on, I would wait until a few minutes before they come on. I know taking pictures of plants with a camera with lights on look like crap and so thats why I asked.
  7. mp377t

    Best time to check trichomes..lights on or off?

    To clarify should I check my trichomes with the hps on or off? I finally broke down and got myself one of those 60-100x microscopes. I tried it on on my auto and it seems to work so now I just gatta wait for another 2 hours to check my big one.
  8. mp377t

    HELP! small white bugs in my soil

    It is hard to say, because once you put the sand on your soil it is VERY hard to see them. I Believe it works fast, but am not 100% sure. I put sand on my soil and then transplanted maybe a week or 2 after into a 5 gal bucket, and did not have to put the sand back on top of the soil after the...
  9. mp377t

    my leaves are turning BLACK! HELP please

    ok I've been looking for a solution to this by looking at other threads and pictures and just cant seem to find anything that looks like this. This is obviously an auto that is being grown in miracle grow seed starting soil, and under a 68 watt cfl and two 26 watt cfl's. The plant itself is...
  10. mp377t

    HELP! small white bugs in my soil

    fine sand over the top of your soil, thats how I got rid of mine.
  11. mp377t

    Plants have brown spotting and feel very +REP!

    your problem looks slightly similar to mine, if you find a solution please let me know. I think my plant will be dead within a week if I cant find a solution. I have already flushed it and I stopped giving it nutes because this problem started shortly after I started it on nutes...
  12. mp377t

    Dehumidifier also unhotifier?

    I have this same problem, except I am growing in a closet with NO ventilation, ya ya I know that's a big NO NO. I have the door open ALL the time because either I am home or my fiance is home because she works nights (hehe i know I'm lucky). I thought about the ac thing, but my electric bill...
  13. mp377t

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    guys I need some help. My lowlife auto (unknown strain) has been looking very good up until recently. I started giving it fox farm nutes at 1/4 strength and only gave it 3-4 feedings with it. I started noticed dark spots forming on my leaves. I decided to let it go since I'm not smoking the...
  14. mp377t

    Anyone grow in beer cups?

    I bet what will happen is you get a MUCH smaller plant obviously, and you will have to water like 4 times a day which I guess means feeding more as well. That is just my opinion, you probably have more experience than me.
  15. mp377t

    Northen Lightes grow

    lol thats a clamp light, I have one right now on my lowryder with a 68 watt(actual) screwed in to it. I had to modify it slightly to allow the bulb to screw all the way in lol. The clamp light I bought was the more expensive $12.97 one which has a porclein socket and heavier cord. The bulb...
  16. mp377t

    PH phucked up or what?

    im very confused, should I feed my plant or give it straight water?
  17. mp377t

    PH phucked up or what?

    you confused the hell out of me there....are you saying give it nutes or stop giving it nutes?
  18. mp377t

    need some opinions

    I posted this over in the plant problem section but it doesn't seem like a whole lot of people view that thread compared to this one. well here it is
  19. mp377t

    PH phucked up or what?

    so I actually did try to find a solution to my problem and from what I have gathered I am guessing my ph is messed up....but I would like anyones opinion before I do anything drastic. I guess I should probably say this is an autoflower strain that is in some miracle grow seed starting soil. I...
  20. mp377t

    my plant smells shit?

    thats great, it makes me feel much better actually. I can't wait to smell it after curing mmmmm I hope its good :hump: