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    hydroton in soi?

    I started some seeds in rockwool/hydroton but want to plant them outside as my indoor setup is not ready.... is this possible at all or will it cause problems? :joint:
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    Question for the DIY's

    cool so it is possible to use a t8 ballast for 2' lamps even though its designed for 4' there's no relevance to my question in that answer i asked how to make use out of it not what i can make use out of it, but thanks i'm already amidst a grow and with an extra ballast lying around i figured...
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    Question for the DIY's

    I have an extra t8 ballast, just wondering how i can make some use out of it. :weed: Its a ballast for a 4' 3 lamp kit. I was wondering though, instead of having 3, 4' lamps can i rewire the ballast and have 6, 2' lamps to cover more space? Or is it cheap to buy a 4' fixture without a...
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    cheap co2? paintball gun leak? dry ice melting?

    Not for nothing but dry ice isnt expensive at all, in fact its pretty cheap and you can buy it at your local grocery store
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    Nute burned and over watered ):

    Well im using the fox farms feeding schedule as a reference ( ) so you guys are saying use 1/4 of what is suggested in that schedule? so i would use 1/4 tsp of Grow Big, and 1/2 tsp of Big Bloom? ( for seedlings/cuttings )...
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    Nute burned and over watered ):

    Thanks for input fellas, much appreciated. [quote=Cr8z13;1756765]Personally, I wouldn't have fed it at all for the first two weeks. Right now just make sure you don't overwater. Something like Superthrive or better yet, Super Plant Tonic would help recovery. -how strong of solution would...
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    Nute burned and over watered ):

    How can i remedy this. Right now i have 4 plants growing from seed and one i wanted to try to add nutes early just as an experiment but i burned the shit out of it, it browned badly and the bottom set of leaves are drooped. The plant is only 2 weeks old i germed in rockwool and its now sitting...
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    Second Grow - Taking all advice - Willing to do something new

    Basically SOG is when you constanly have plants vegging and flowering at once in seperated grow areas. You have a veg room, where the lights are on the 18/6 schedule, and a flowering room where you have 12/12. You can have another room for the mother/clones, or you can just keep them in the veg...
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    Second Grow - Taking all advice - Willing to do something new

    Id say go with a DWC setup, theyre easy to set up and could be built with < $30. As for lighting you want about 3500-5000 lumens a plant. I prefer to veg with CFLs cause theyre cheap, and since your only growing about 4-6 plants, for flowering I would suggest the 150w hps light from...
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    CFL question????

    You want about 3500-5000 lumens per plant I believe. 1 24w cfl will only give you about 1500-2000 at most I would think. Your def gonna want more light then that.
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    What to grow in?

    Bubblers or Deep Water Culture systems are probably the cheapeast and easiest to set up. The main difference in systems is really just the way they feed the plants, bubblers provide oxygen to the roots of a plant through an airstone submerged in say a bucket or tub. While ebb and flow system...
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    CFL causing tv static

    The browning was actually from the heat I think, when I switched to the home depot ballast the heat in my room had risen about 8 degrees, and after I switched back to original ballast the tips were back to normal after about 24 hours. And do you mean wire shielding? Thanks for input :peace:
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    CFL causing tv static

    I guess i'll have to pick one of them up then because I rewired the whole lamp and even used electrical tape around every wire nut and still getting interference. And I wouldnt suggest using home depot ballasts, I only used mine for < 24 hours and the tips of my leaves started browning, I just...
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    CFL causing tv static

    Hey man, I bought a new ballast today and installed it but there is still interference with most of the televisions in my house. I talked an 'electrician' from home depot and asked him how to remedy this and he said the ballast is usually the problem. Also do they make emi filters for t8...
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    CFL causing tv static

    yea thats what I assumed :wall: but there is potentially some truth to the statement haha
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    CFL causing tv static

    Can the TV really be the problem? I did read somewhere that older model TVs can have reception problems if around some electronics. But was hoping there was another solution.
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    CFL causing tv static

    I hope its not the ballast I just bought this thing D::wall:
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    Proper PPM

    I'm using Fox Farms Grow big, Big Bud and Tiger Bloom for hydroponics
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    CFL causing tv static

    I have a t8 fluorescent lighting fixture in my room and when I turn it on, it causes static on every station below channel 40. Can anybody tell me what is causing this and how I can fix it? It is effecting the apartment above mine as well so I would really like to fix this a.s.a.p. :peace:
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    Proper PPM

    Hey im just wondering what ppm are ideal, is this diagram good to go by? Thanks :joint: