Nute burned and over watered ):


Active Member
How can i remedy this. Right now i have 4 plants growing from seed and one i wanted to try to add nutes early just as an experiment but i burned the shit out of it, it browned badly and the bottom set of leaves are drooped. The plant is only 2 weeks old i germed in rockwool and its now sitting in a 5'' net pot with rockwool under cfls

as soon as the leaves browned i got nervous and flushed it with water
which then caused the drooping ( i think? )

just wondering what i should do from here to get her healthy again

- :joint:Thanks


Well-Known Member
Personally, I wouldn't have fed it at all for the first two weeks. Right now just make sure you don't overwater. Something like Superthrive or better yet, Super Plant Tonic would help recovery.


Active Member
Thanks for input fellas, much appreciated.

[quote=Cr8z13;1756765]Personally, I wouldn't have fed it at all for the first two weeks. Right now just make sure you don't overwater. Something like Superthrive or better yet, Super Plant Tonic would help recovery.[/quote]

-how strong of solution would you have used?
im using foxfarms 3 part nutes and used half of what the suggested nutes were for seedlings, based off of the fox farms feeding schedule

but yea im gonna hold off on watering until it looks desperate for water for now

thanks again


Well-Known Member
I use botanicare pro gro and I have to start mine off at 1/4 strength...recomended dosage is too high.hope this helps.........


Well-Known Member
The plant doesn't need nutrients the first two weeks from seed but if you're going to push it you need to start at really super low levels, not half strength.

If your rockwool is flooded pick it up by the cube itself to where the plant stem is protected sort of in the palm of your hand and fling the excess water out with several flicks of the wrist.


Active Member
Well im using the fox farms feeding schedule as a reference ( ) so you guys are saying use 1/4 of what is suggested in that schedule?

so i would use 1/4 tsp of Grow Big, and 1/2 tsp of Big Bloom? ( for seedlings/cuttings )

rockwool is pretty much dried out by this point i think, plus i already put it in net pots cause the roots were decently out of the rockwool so i dont wanna take it out and disturb them.

thanks again fellas your help is much appreciated



Well-Known Member
Yes, stick to 1/4 strength. I'm using Foxfarm too and I didn't really go to full strength until week 4 or 5.