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  1. WaxertheRadical

    What strains are you growing outdoor in 2017?

    I'll be doing mostly auto's (Fastbuds Green Crack, Medicann Kush Fromage, Samsara Ultravoilet Freebies) with a side ensemble of mystery reg beans. Ohhhh the suspense! It should be fun to play around with breeding/trait choice and not have to worry so much about losing quality genetics. Might...
  2. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    You never know man. It could just be a lighter pheno... I could also, very well, be talking out of my ass.:dunce: I was reading @HighLowGrow 's BKR thread the other day and apparently it's a thing. Care to weigh in here man? What do you think?
  3. WaxertheRadical

    Short growing season improvations

    Forgot to mention them. Good call.
  4. WaxertheRadical

    Short growing season improvations

    No worries! I'm slowly learning, but you gotta spread that knowledge around man. Can't be stingy with it now. Lol I'd recommend strain names if I could but I myself don't have any firsthand experience with them...Yet.:hump:
  5. WaxertheRadical

    Larry's Fall/Winter seed tests

    Just read through this thread and it's definitely a fun read. Lots of good information here. Hope those bigger ladies come back for ya. That would be cool to see. If you don't mind my asking, how do you preserve your pollen? Do you just collect it and jar it up, or is there a specific...
  6. WaxertheRadical

    Short growing season improvations

    I would say that if you don't feel like chancing your harvest to a late flower frost, there are a good few regs that would shape up pretty nice by mid September-ish. However, we have a short growing season out my way as well (Early June-late September) and I know that autos have become a real...
  7. WaxertheRadical

    Industrial Plant CBD - Close ups after 107º+ outdoors! (42ºC)

    Lookinpretty healthy if you ask me. How far in to flower is she? Also, props on those pictures man. Very nicely done.
  8. WaxertheRadical

    First Cab...stoked!

    Oh I absolutely agree with you 100% and appreciate the concern. Very noble of you, but it's not the growing that is the issue. It's the location. We live in a small apartment and it concerns her to have to grow in area where little fingers might be tempted to pry. I am not ignorant of the fact...
  9. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    There's nothing wrong with that! You still got a little smoke and you're more knowledgeable on how to take things in the right direction in your next grow! All good things from where I'm sitting. How much, dried, would you say you got from her, if you had to guess?
  10. WaxertheRadical

    First Cab...stoked!

    Hello hello hello! It's been a while since I have updated, but real life calls. I know that there are a good few of you that have been of much help and we're looking forward to this grow probably every bit as much as I was, however, the wife has changed her mind for a number of reasons and I'm...
  11. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    Hey man! Sorry I haven't popped in for a while. I have to say, I think congratulations are in order on your first completed grow! She was a frosty one, that one. Sounds like she didn't disappoint either. I see you already have number two under way as well! You don't waste any time, do ya? Lol...
  12. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    She's looking good man!! She gave ya a little sass but I wouldn't stress those leaves. She'll drop em when she is ready. Some would defoliate but it seems to me like theres a few too many for that. Oh well. Keep them pictures and updates coming. Someone has to compensate for my slackin...
  13. WaxertheRadical

    Dresser grow box

    I was watching this a while back but I hadn't subbed up apparently. Damn, have you made some progress since! Also, WHY ISN'T SMELL-O-VISION A THING? Lol Looking good man I take it you have switched to the HPS only now or are you still using the CFL's as well? I was wondering because I noticed...
  14. WaxertheRadical

    First run in my stealth box

    Subbed! I really like the way you have that wardrobe set up for multipurpose. Very cool utilisation of space. Also, what kind of fan is that? Stovetop exhaust?
  15. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    Everything is coming along nicely man. This is such a great thread to watch. I applaud you for throwing up so many pictures along the way. It makes for an exciting read.:clap: If you are using your phone, I just wanted to drop a hint. Turn of location settings and check your photo information...
  16. WaxertheRadical

    Keeping it warm in winter

    What are your dimensions for your cab? What are your plans for ventilation? What is the climate like where you live? I would think that any hps worth its salt would be too much for a cab grow, in most applications, anyway. You could run an led light appropriate for your size space. That'll add...
  17. WaxertheRadical

    First Cab...stoked!

    I appreciate your input. I have actually been tossing around the idea of doing a 2 plant scrog just to allow for two different strains. I like to have options when it comes to smoke.;) My light setup, I'll most likely leave with the one 100w Cob to be honest. We will be moving out of our tiny...
  18. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    Dude! Check that out! Their new growth looks great! And it's starting to look like you are going to have some nice and tight stacking there as well.:weed:
  19. WaxertheRadical

    First Cab...stoked!

    Oh okay. I can't get FF products where I am but perhaps I'll out my own soil together for an organic run some time but for now, Coco and perlite it is!
  20. WaxertheRadical

    First Cab...stoked!

    Cool! Do you use a pre mix for the soil or do you mix your own with amendments and such? I'd imagine you just use some good FF ocean forest or the like?