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  1. WaxertheRadical

    Narcotic Kush Under the "Citi" Lights

    Like what you did with the clips/tie downs there. Very clever.
  2. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    Holy shit. Yeah I don't blame you. How did they miss them? They must have been stinking like mad by then?
  3. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    Oh I think you'll make an oz no problem.
  4. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    Lol. Bud or 3. I wanna sayyy...about a pound.:lol: In all honesty though, I have no idea. Not enough experience to make an accurate guess but I'll say +/-100 grams:dunce:
  5. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    I get it man. Once it's dry, I'm going to have a hard time keeping my fingers out of the jars as well. I want a good 3 week cure on 90% of my harvest before I touch it. I'm also probably setting the bar wayyy too high because I haven't smoked in months.
  6. WaxertheRadical

    Star ryder dutch passion T5 grow

    Not sure if you are planning to continue with the autos for indoor when those are done but you should check out fast buds or Mephisto. Really vigorous growth on those. My FB green crack was almost two nodes ahead of the others and I germed them all at the same time.
  7. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    Lol Right? I am going to try it on the first few plants that harvest anyway. See how they do.
  8. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    Damn. Yeah it's nice when people cooperate and don't feel the need to snitch out, but like you said...there's some pretty heavy incentive not to. That's hard as hell man. You don't have to worry about fly overs and all that?
  9. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    Going to try to get out and get some close ups because I am going to needs some guidance on when to pull them. Honestly will most like end up being a judgement call on account of shit weather and no desire to lose a whole crop to 8 days of straight rain.
  10. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    Bud rot on almost all of the Berry bomb but nothing large scale. I just cut it off and hope they do alright. BB #1 didn't make it. Rot throughout. Just decided to yank her. If I would have tried to save what was left she would have hermed out and I don't need that. BB #2 BB #3 BB #4 BB...
  11. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    GC#2 didn't make it by the way. Pulled her last visit. Overall just a sick tiny plant so I got her out before she caused any problems.
  12. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    WW XXL GC #2- Not sure what the hell is going on here. Possible re-veg situation? I don't know. Plant is happy though. Wembley got smacked so I forgot to get a full pic but I did one of some little decomposers on a bud that was laying on the ground. GET OFF MY WEED! HOD- A nice surprise...
  13. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    Alright. SO...the deer got in here too... They ruined my fishing line fence pretty much. Re-did that. Stomped my little barrier fence. Fixed that. Then the worst part. They got in and smacked the piss out of my Wembley. I'm lucky I got away with just that but it was laying on the ground and...
  14. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    So I went for a visit a few days ago. Arrived to a bit of a mess. I was in a hurry as well so if the white balance on the pics are a little out of wack, you know why. My photos are looking happy but they will never finish in time. It's already to starting to get nippy at night, rainy/overcast...
  15. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    Long trim jail sentence means nuggs in the jar man. I'm excited for trimming, myself. Probably going to do a bit of a bud wash before as well. Get all that nature and shit off of there.
  16. WaxertheRadical

    Yields and cabinets

    Dude I'm excited to see what that little Medusa bush puts out. There are so many heads! Tried to count them but I kept loosing track. Yo. What are your winter temps like outside in your neck of the woods?
  17. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    Activate butthurt mode.:finger: Haha Seriously though. That's awesome and and I'm happy for you folks that can do that. Ruby, you must live way out in the boonies to able to swing that though right?
  18. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    That must be nice. The ability to go out, tend to them every day and keep nature off of them. You have a thread up for them man? I'd like to follow along.
  19. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    Exactly. That's the only problem I didn't feel like dealing with in the final stages since I've already had to deal with animals, asshole weather, and my own personal error. Lol. Seriously. At this point, I'd be happy with an ounce or two. This guerilla business can be discouraging as all hell.
  20. WaxertheRadical

    Waxy's Autos plus a little Reg Radness

    Well that could work right? That sounds like it would be much better than drying under tarps anyway. Does anyone ever go in them or?