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  1. N

    room temp without fans (couple of questions)

    hi guys my room temp without fans is about 78 which ive read is best. what im wondering is should i still be using fans, with the fan on the temp is about 70 - 72 the thermo is located at the entrance to my setup but not at the rooms door is this where it should be
  2. N

    Help quick pls

    update i flushed tank for 8 hours and gave a small feed of 0.7 ec ph is about 6 new growth looks a nice colour of green and i can notice new growth at the bottom of the plants and also at the top should i add some ph down and bring it to about 5.8
  3. N

    Help quick pls

    ahrite sorry im only using the acid solution to test the ph. i dont have a pen yet so im not sure what 5.8 should be, as the colour guide only goes to the lowest 6.0 should i only be adding bloom i have bloom grow and micro
  4. N

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    well according to that chart 5.8 is a greenish colour the colour i aim for is like a grape colour which is of similar colour.
  5. N

    Help quick pls

    ok well they are sleeping now tommy so it should be kool to go back to using nutes once they wake. so i should start off low and use my pen to tell me if they are taking the nutes up or what. how often should i feed with nutes for example if i fed on monday morning and i checked my ec the...
  6. N

    Help quick pls

    how long should i flush for tommy im using dutch formula usually my ph stays around the 6.0 once i add nutes is this true that the ph of 6.4 is to high and i should be using 5.8. i dunno what to do on this as i keep gettin diff answers and its frying my head a little lol
  7. N

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    my medium is nft source water is from the tap - tap waters ph is about 6.4 i check ph everyday although im not sure of the best ph for hydro as theres so many diff answers
  8. N

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    also how come the new growth seems fine and my plants havent been gaining much on height but getting bushy is this due to nute burn
  9. N

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    new to this tommy and was using wand as my guide but it all adds to my experience level
  10. N

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    flushing just now anything else i need to do
  11. N

    Help quick pls

    is it ok even though its not been lieing out overnight. i dunno how much chlorine is in my tap water is this nute burn i have more pics of roots etc and if u need any more details let me know i really wanna learn i cant believe that pen it was only 2 weeks old and as the readings were going...
  12. N

    Help quick pls

    Hi guys for a few days now my leaves have been curling and tonight i came home to find this rust coloured stuff spreading over the older leaves. the nute pen i was using before was saying my nutes were at 0.5 when really they were 1.5 (got a new wand) ive had water laying since this morning to...