Help quick pls

Hi guys for a few days now my leaves have been curling and tonight i came home to find this rust coloured stuff spreading over the older leaves. the nute pen i was using before was saying my nutes were at 0.5 when really they were 1.5 (got a new wand)

ive had water laying since this morning to flush them but dont want to use it yet as it might have to much chlorine in it. Is flushing these the the thing i should do

the other ones aint as bad as this one and one doesnt show any sign of damage , also the new leaf growth looks healthy on the rest

is this nute burn

plants are about 3 weeks old from seed
is it ok even though its not been lieing out overnight. i dunno how much chlorine is in my tap water

is this nute burn

i have more pics of roots etc and if u need any more details let me know i really wanna learn

i cant believe that pen it was only 2 weeks old and as the readings were going down i presumed the plant was consuming the nutes :(
also how come the new growth seems fine and my plants havent been gaining much on height but getting bushy is this due to nute burn
my medium is nft
source water is from the tap - tap waters ph is about 6.4
i check ph everyday although im not sure of the best ph for hydro as theres so many diff answers


Well-Known Member
ahh nft.. once you flush, just start using the nutes with your new pen..
what kind of nutes you got?

what does the pH of the nutes come to?
how long should i flush for tommy
im using dutch formula

usually my ph stays around the 6.0 once i add nutes

is this true that the ph of 6.4 is to high and i should be using 5.8. i dunno what to do on this as i keep gettin diff answers and its frying my head a little lol


Active Member
You WILL lock out specific nutrients at 6.5 in Hydropnics. PH levels of 5.5 to 6 are optimal. There's no debate on that.

Fix it, or have shitty plants. Up to you.


Well-Known Member
Hydroponics solutions are unstable above 6.5 at high concentrations. At low concentrations you can get away with going higher as far as the stability of the solution is concerned..
Just mix up your nutes and leave the pH alone if it is below 6.5

Keep an eye on pH and see what it does..
Oh, and i would just flush an hour or so and get back to a light feeding regimen or whatever your nutrient manufacturers say..
ok well they are sleeping now tommy so it should be kool to go back to using nutes once they wake. so i should start off low and use my pen to tell me if they are taking the nutes up or what. how often should i feed with nutes for example

if i fed on monday morning and i checked my ec the next day and it had gone down by .2 would i feed them right away or wait a while .


Active Member
You shouldn't have to keep bringing it down. Sometimes your pH will rise slowly after settling.

Here's what I would do:

Get a fresh batch of water. If you're using tap, mix half stength with a standard bloom N-P-K fertilizer. If you're using RO, do the same, and add a cal-mag supplement at half strength too. At this point, check your PH. It should be somewhere around 6.5-7.5 using tap. Gradually apply and thoroughly mix PH down until you're under 6. If it's 5.9, leave it. Do not go below 5.5. Check again in a few hours. If it has moved slightly, leave it. If it has moved a point, re-apply a small amount of PH-down to get it below 6 again. Sometimes it takes a couple applications to stick. You can also use Humic Acid, or Liquid Karma, as a PH down. It acts as a buffer and helps stabilize PH. Silica blast will stabilize your PH as well, but that's very alkaline. Anyways, get it under 6 and hit them with half strength. When they bounce back, work your way into your normal feeding regimen. Good luck.


Active Member
Those colors have nothing to do with the color of your plant. Simply assigning different colors to essential nutrients. Purple, for instance, is magnesium.
ahrite sorry im only using the acid solution to test the ph. i dont have a pen yet so im not sure what 5.8 should be, as the colour guide only goes to the lowest 6.0

should i only be adding bloom

i have bloom grow and micro