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  1. T

    One stubborn plant

    I have 1 plant that the leaves are so yellow that they look like its shiny gold. only the 1 plant all the others are great. they are soil plants they all get the same treatment. ph is 6.5 12/12 light cycle all getting fox farm nutrients. ANY THOUGHTS?
  2. T

    neem oil

    thought so. just double checking. thanx
  3. T

    neem oil

    When is the recommended spray for neem oil? when lights are on or off?
  4. T

    stop the light!!!

    try extending the lenth of the door with cardboard. should slide pretty easy along the hardwood floor
  5. T

    Insulated or Non insulated ducting

    I also only use insulated flexible ducting for exhaust of grow room and lamps