Insulated or Non insulated ducting


Well-Known Member
I need to get a 25 inch ducting so I mistakenly opted for the Insulated ducting. I am returning It since i found one without but I am curious if there is something that I could use this for?

Maybe hiding the smell somehow?

Any suggestions are great.


Well-Known Member
Insulated ducting is fantastic stuff, I use it for everything in my grow!! Way more durable, and instead of turning all your ducting into a heater, it helps keep a lot of the heat getting pumped out stay out.

I would actually suggest using insulated for pretty much everything where you are using flex ducting.


Well-Known Member
yeah if you need ducting for the cooling of your light then I would definitely use that insulated stuff on the inside of your room. otherwise the heat you are blowing off of the light can escape back into the room thru the ducting. Not all of it of course but insulated ducting on the exhaust from your reflector to the outside of the room will help keep the temps down. & every little bit helps :) Once you have the heat far enough from the room then I say use whatever is cheapest.