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  1. Z

    Can my plants recover?

    Hey man, I made a mistake... I followed the wrong advice. I'm a newb that's why i'm in here. I had my plant root bound not really beat up, just a little droopy with a purple stem. I'm not gonna make that mistake again. I only have a small amount of time to do this and a limited amount of...
  2. Z

    Can my plants recover?

    It should produce fine... but i don't want to waste the space if this is gonna produce like just a quarter and i can pick up a clone and veg for a month and produce a lot more...
  3. Z

    Can my plants recover?

    TLDR Sorry bout that. well basically my plant is stunted looking like a bonsai version of a normal plant. i'm wondering if i should stick with this one or get a smaller clone that hasn't been stunted to go with. My plant is healthy now, no longer drooping, all green, starting to go. i fixed the...
  4. Z

    Can my plants recover?

    I was planning to have 1 month of veg for my...
  5. Z

    How Much For Your Own Supply?

    I actually saw some $30-40 400W sylvania metal halide and HPS bulbs at Lowes the other day
  6. Z

    First Grow (1st) | AK-47 - MG SOIL - 250w HPS/MH | From Seed to Harvest

    Informative post man. Happy to see you kept your journal even though no one replied. I'm about to do a similar grow. This was really helpful!
  7. Z

    seedlings first leaves

    Yes you are misunderstanding, but that's just because I wrote a confusing ass post/ That plant in that picture is not mine. In mine the "cotyledon" I guess, are growing together. In the picture they are separating the seed
  8. Z

    seedlings first leaves

    Yea it must be a deformity, idk it's not a piece of shell. I can see a second set of leaves trying to grow but getting it's light blocked by this thing. I tried to pull it apart lightly but shit's growing green together strong.
  9. Z

    seedlings first leaves

    Pic in edited post! Thanks man
  10. Z

    seedlings first leaves

    I wish i could explain it better. It's not the shell of the seed, it's like a live green part of the shell that's not a leaf. It looks like the green leafy things pullin this seed apart^ but they are still connected.
  11. Z

    seedlings first leaves

    Hey guys I have a seedling in my propagator that sprouted a week ago. The seed was attached to a green growth on top of the main stem. It looks like a couple of green bunny ears that separate at the top of the stem then reattach at the top of the plant. 2 leaves grew out from where it separated...
  12. Z

    single micropore air diffuser vs double

    I've heard conflicting opinions about this. What do you use now? Were there any differences between using micropore and using your new air diffuser in yield, growth rate, quality, etc? Do you know anyone that has tested this with the same plant/clones? Thanks.
  13. Z

    single micropore air diffuser vs double

    Hey guys, I'm debating on if i should use a double or single air diffuser for my 5 gallon buckets. I got a 35 watt pump running 4 5 gal buckets. I don't want the single diffuser to slow down air output, but i don't think it will much. I would think it would just cause that diffuser to produce...
  14. Z

    Light Hood

    Hey guys i have a couple of quick questions i was hoping you all could help me with. In return for your help I'll promise some pictures later in the grow. Part 1 If I have a 1000W ballast and get a 1000W metal halide bulb to I need anything else to operate it, I don't need a plug-in hood/lamp...