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  1. Z


    Hehe, my wife knows when she's gone to far. She starts crying when she does something bad to me and asks me to hit her hard repeatedly. Of course i could only bring myself to do it maybe once
  2. Z

    Actually too many bubbles?

    Actually i wanted to tell everyone that 35 watts for 1 5 gallon reservoir is too much. roots kept breaking for 1 month and root rot started. the biggest roots couldn't stay in the water they were being pumped upwards by excessive air. i took one of the two air stones out of the reservoir and put...
  3. Z

    DWC without checking ppm?

    I'm a chemist dumby XD. There are numerous ways to accurately predict the dissociation of H+ ions in solution (pH)... Right now I've been vegging for a few months and I took care of nute and acid amounts for my friends last 1/2 lb yield grow :P Personally, i find the best nute absorption to take...
  4. Z

    DWC without checking ppm?

    I scientifically measure my ppm and ph in my dwc. so far my plants are really healthy...
  5. Z

    Mellokitty's Mellow Medigrow

    Damn, man that setup is real nice... I'm also subd to see how that supplemental lower lighting helps the nugs! Informative.
  6. Z

    Cloning from mommy

    like topping right here
  7. Z

    Cloning from mommy

    Thank you, but my question is confusing cuz i don't know the exact terminology... I want to flower my mommy too, so can i just cut halfway down the stem which will eventually have buds on it and it grow back? Kinda like topping half a plant, but topping half the stem that grows in the same place...
  8. Z

    Cloning from mommy

    Hey guys i'm tryin to clone my old girl. She has thick stems comin out of the stalk right above each fan leaf stem... These stems have multiple leaf sets. Is there anyway to "top" these stems cuz there's multiple leaf sets on each, or should i just cut the clones from the main stem where calyxes...
  9. Z

    Spraying Plants with water?

    and remember that saliva act as a ph reducer and a surfacant(sp?) or wetting agent. Probably got some nutrient value to! i always spit in my spray bottle
  10. Z

    Grr first grow, uncussful idk why help anyone?

    don't spray it yet, just keep the humidity up real high and I let my seedlings stay a little hotter than usual, low 80s. Don't use any nutes and let the root system get some air! Spraying can burn the leaves. If you did all that, than idk i'd switch to a different sprouting medium.
  11. Z

    Lower leaves yellow dried (pics) - Top leaves fine?

    My old leaves that don't get enough light turn more yellow and droopy then they dry out. You can drop a few bucks and pick up supplemental t5 lighting and try to allow the bottom leaves and bud sites they form to grow out a little. I wouldn't worry at all about the first 2 sets of leaves though...
  12. Z

    Split Seed????????

    You topped it? If you're using a humidome it might be a root
  13. Z

    Wow...Just Wow

    I think maybe it is karma, but no way for us fuckin americans. That's karma for the rape of Nanjing and all the bad stuff Japan has done to asia over the years.
  14. Z


    U should not be lazy and read about all of that in grow journals and grow guides... this isn't a specific question, it's kind of like, outline the process for me please... Dry and cure takes usually the same time. Everything else can vary greatly depending on strain and conditions it's kept in...
  15. Z

    accidently put into flowering!

    I think i might, but I was planning to mother this girl... I'm not even sure if it is flowering, i thought that it would show sex but there's a few hairs and the one i saw was long...
  16. Z

    accidently put into flowering!

    Ive been vegging my plant for about 2 months and last week i left the lights off for3 days by accident because the stupid timer malfunctioned :wall:. Anyway it's been 6 days and i've had it on 23 hours of light everyday. I just noticed white and green preflowers on it, i was planning to veg it...
  17. Z

    Actually too many bubbles?

    h202 is hydrogen peroxide... Many people use it as a disinfectant. It oxidizes substances... notice the extra O atom in each H2O2 molecule compared to water. A readily transferable ionic oxygen for plant absorption, so it does a similar thing as oxygenating water by pumping air into it through...
  18. Z

    humidity dome question

    I jsut did this. I had the lights close on the dome for a few weeks. I was using some bigass rockwool cubes and waiting for the roots to show, they didn't. So finally when i realized my plants were root bound i transplanted them and could have had 2 more weeks of growth. My advice is to...
  19. Z

    Actually too many bubbles?

    I've got a 5 gal DWC bucket running 1 plant and i've found the roots haven't wanted to grow out of the mesh pot. I saw a root try to grow out but it got cut off. Right now i'm running a 35 watt eco commercial air pump with 2 air stones. All the pumps air is directed in this 5 gal bucket. The...
  20. Z

    sometimes ;)

    sometimes ;)