humidity dome question


Active Member
I have started a dozen bagseeds for the heck of it while I await some clones. I dropped them directly into rapid rooter plugs under a humidity dome. 72 hrs in and I have some decent growth occurring.:bigjoint:
My question is, when do I remove the dome and drop the lights down to prevent stretching? DSC02952.jpgDSC02953.jpg


Active Member
On my last grow I used ziplocks and left em under them until they out grew em. Had the lights close the whole time.


I jsut did this. I had the lights close on the dome for a few weeks. I was using some bigass rockwool cubes and waiting for the roots to show, they didn't. So finally when i realized my plants were root bound i transplanted them and could have had 2 more weeks of growth. My advice is to transplant them into a medium that keeps the bottom of the plugs wet at all times as soon as you see the second set of leaves...