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  1. WTXgreenery

    I Got My Plant In A Coffee Container Will This Be Hard To Transplant?

    water it and wiggle it free, itll come right out.find a 1 gallon container or 2 gal if you want it to have plenty of room. i use 2 gal buckets.
  2. WTXgreenery


    i had no idea i needed to be watering that often... ive been so afraid to over water, that im under watering it. idc about the weed, the seeds were free to me out of a bag of shwag.. i grew 12 plants form the beginning of some ok weed. i learned a lot in 4 months.. so im not that...
  3. WTXgreenery


    its at the far end of the ducting system unfortunately... it keeps my house cold as fuck during 100+ temps outside, but to expect it to also cool a garage thats at the end of its reach is unreasonable.
  4. WTXgreenery

    my plant it turning brown HELP!!

    it looks about 3-4 weeks old. i leave mine on 24/7 and it works great. they actually get bigger if you do it that way. when preflowers start to show, cut it to 12/12.. if that was planted as a seed, you should def wait a few more weeks with the light on 24/7 before you make that change. and, you...
  5. WTXgreenery

    strange mark on stem after powdrey mildew. and weird pod things? plus pics

    all plants scar very easily & most likely what that is. those eggs are from a brown shield bug. google it.
  6. WTXgreenery

    Preflower Help!

    just not enough light for it. if its still in veg and you dont know what pre-flowers look like, how do you know its a girl? unless you see a bunch of pod like structures or just like two pods (they look like grapes or upside down banana bunches), then it is in fact a girl.
  7. WTXgreenery

    Help - 5 Weeks old plant dying thanks to a heatwave!

    make sure you dont blow the fan directly on the plant (windburn will fuck a plant up in a hurry) and get that poor baby some light. 100w cfl's (6500k-veg 2700k-flower) will work if not use t5s if you can. thats about all i can tell you without looking at them.
  8. WTXgreenery

    Help - 5 Weeks old plant dying thanks to a heatwave!

    if id quit smoking so early, id have remembered to tell you to aim for somewhere in the 6.5 pH range for soil..
  9. WTXgreenery

    Help - 5 Weeks old plant dying thanks to a heatwave!

    you should really only water it every other day or maybe every third day. idk where you got your soil, but weed will damn near grow in anything... technically, it does matter and if you get your hands on a pH meter (lowes or home depot) check it, if not, fuck it.
  10. WTXgreenery


    im even pulling cold air from my a/c... its just ridic hot in there. but by the plants is not that bad bc of all of the fans pulling the hot air out of it.
  11. WTXgreenery


    how long should i flush it.. like run the power grower for 24 hrs?? or just through my regular feeding cycle?
  12. WTXgreenery


    i appreciate guys. my buddy gave me brand new HM digital pH and TDS meters. i bought the calibration stuff for both. probably didnt need it. i am using co2 3x a day for an hour each time bringing my co2 level to just above 1500ppm to make up for the added heat. its so f'n hot around here its...
  13. WTXgreenery

    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    go to hastings or barnes and noble. buy The Cannabis Grow Bible 2nd edition. by Greg Green. it contains everything you need to know. read read and read some more. there is endless information out there and you can literally learn everything if you put in the time.
  14. WTXgreenery

    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    a cfl will work but a t5 or t8 would be better bc you can change the bulbs. try and get some mylar and cover everything with it.
  15. WTXgreenery

    How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?

    if they are not in flower, they are in veg. you need to wait about 2 months from germination (planting the seeds) until you switch to 12/12 light. make sure you lightproof the room in which it flowers. get a fan and DO NOT blow it directly on the plants. if you can, go to a local nursery and thy...
  16. WTXgreenery

    my plant it turning brown HELP!!

    mines doing the same thing, but its wilted to shit!!! i guess im not going to be much of help in your problem area, but i can help with other shit. its definitely not ready for flower. if you dont want to invest much money, id go buy a plug in light socket and use 2 100w warm (i think theyre...
  17. WTXgreenery


    this is my first grow. they are just regular seeds out of a bag of some good ass shwag i bought. i have a 600w hps lamp about 20" away from the top cola of the plant. in the last several days, the plant has begun to wilt, and dry out. i water 3x/ day for 15minutes. each of my plants has their...