

Active Member
this is my first grow. they are just regular seeds out of a bag of some good ass shwag i bought. i have a 600w hps lamp about 20" away from the top cola of the plant. in the last several days, the plant has begun to wilt, and dry out. i water 3x/ day for 15minutes. each of my plants has their own GH water farm. anyone who uses them knows that they dont produce much water in that time. i use Dyna-gro's Pro-Tekt, cannazyme, & humboldt's Ginormous with the GH flora series nutes with a TDS readout of ~900-1000. they are ~3 weeks into flowering. i maintain a pH of 5.7-6.3. i have a fan max 8" pushing the hot air out of a Sun system MagnumXXXL. the ambient air temp is around 90-95 degrees in the entire garage bc for some stupid reason, its 105-107 outside during the day. i have 7 fans in the garage total, 3 pullers and 4 pushers. (yes, i took up a two car garage for this) (no, i dont have a factory in my garage first time around, i just had access to a bunch of really expensive shit for free and took everything i could get my hands on). can anyone tell me what is going on with this. ive searched and searched and there is no definitive answer. id appreciate any help given.



100% nute burn....flush with ph'd water for a day, then add 2ml GH micro and 4ml GH bloom per gallon. Thats 1/4 strength lucas formula. Work your way up to 8/16ml and get rid of the other stuff your using. Use that thru flowering. Too easy to burn your plant with multiple additives and they really don't help anyway. Those leaves look like they were sucking up 2000ppm solution. BTW...95 degrees way too hot! If your meter is correct maybe they are just baking. Not sure what the tops look like but you might have to start over.
Another thing is if you're in an area that has humidity too, you're gonna have mold problems the last 3 weeks. Keep it under 50 RH if you can. Mold starts growing in the middle of your biggest tops at 60+ and you won't even know till its too late.


Active Member
i appreciate guys. my buddy gave me brand new HM digital pH and TDS meters. i bought the calibration stuff for both. probably didnt need it. i am using co2 3x a day for an hour each time bringing my co2 level to just above 1500ppm to make up for the added heat. its so f'n hot around here its impossible to cool them off. humidity hasnt gotten over 35% bc its CRAZY dry around here.


Active Member
how long should i flush it.. like run the power grower for 24 hrs?? or just through my regular feeding cycle?


Active Member
im even pulling cold air from my a/c... its just ridic hot in there. but by the plants is not that bad bc of all of the fans pulling the hot air out of it.


Active Member
its at the far end of the ducting system unfortunately... it keeps my house cold as fuck during 100+ temps outside, but to expect it to also cool a garage thats at the end of its reach is unreasonable.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry brother, but if I see correctly you are using hydroton as your medium. 15 min. 3x a day is not enough, hydroton dries out in between. Resulting in severe salt build up in the root zone, aside from obvious temperature problems you have. I grow in hydroton and water 45sec every 45min to give you an idea. check the run-off of your feeding, right when it starts to flow back, not at the end of your 15 min. ;)
You will need AC!


New Member
French Toast AKA nutrient temps that high I would be running nothing over 500 ppm...the plant needs to transpire alot of water...and like Unity said, up your feeding schedule to at least once an hour during lights on. Even lights off if it remains above 80 and your still moving alot of air....


Active Member
i had no idea i needed to be watering that often... ive been so afraid to over water, that im under watering it. idc about the weed, the seeds were free to me out of a bag of shwag.. i grew 12 plants form the beginning of some ok weed. i learned a lot in 4 months.. so im not that disappointed. i ordered SLH from greenhouse seeds and a few other Fem'd seeds. just going to plant a few, but i have 12 power growers and two 600w HPS lights so i could do them all i but id rather just start it simple and get some shit growing..i had my first hermie, and 2 males, so i dont figure im out very much money using free nutrients... i think 5 gallon pails of nutrients was a bit excessive. my buddy foreclosed on a hydro shop and gave me their whole inventory... i think i had to order the plant markers and thats about it.. (yes i know im a lucky bastard) so in my first grow ive had the 250w cfl lights and t5s for germination, and nutrients, huge flood tables and res available to me so i had to learn quite a bit about hydroponics just to get everything set up. ive just never had anyone tell me exactly how to do the nutrients so i just use the recirculating chart on dyna-gro and GH's websites and cut them down to 30-40% strength. he said the owner swore by dyna-gro for his "tomatoes" so i used the gro, protekt, and mag pro for veg and then began the 12/12 lighting and completely drained my res and cleaned it out and began using the bloom instead of gro. when i got down to 4 plants (males, a hermie and the weaker plants were trashed), i put them in water farm's and ditched the 4x8 flood table. over the Memorial Day weekend, it got over 100 degrees here and they looked like shit.. 1 survivor.