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  1. Urca

    Wtf do I say?

    hahahahaa lame ass comebacks, great way to start the day
  2. Urca

    Wtf do I say?

    damn i look good in that pic!! ;)
  3. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    hey, i have a great idea! why dont you go look up all my threads, post my pic, call me an ugly cunt! come on, it will be totally fun..... oh wait, you already did that? damn... i missed out on the party!
  4. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    AWW, DID I HURT YOUR FEELINGS? You know, for being as fat as I am, im pretty sure Im not as ugly as a person on the inside as you are. POOR BABY, MEAN F.D.D IS PICKING ON YOU!! Do you need a hug?? Or better yet, a new set of balls? Seriously, man up. Calling me ugly doesnt change anything
  5. Urca

    Embarrasing stuff about you??

    lol yup!!!!
  6. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    lol look at you, so tough behind a computer screen... how adorable!!!!! :D btw, thanks for the compliments ;) real sweet of ya!
  7. Urca

    Embarrasing stuff about you??

    this was soooooooo funny!! :)
  8. Urca

    Embarrasing stuff about you??

    lol i thought it would be funny to have a thread about embarrassing things about your body, or some one you know's body. To make it fair, ill start. I have a skin condition on my neck that comes and goes, and its back with a vengence right now. Your turn.
  9. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    that video just proves how much she sucks...
  10. Urca

    Good rap??

    they suck too... like i said, rappers need flow. white boy, he wouldnt be that bad if he worked on it more. black dude sucks
  11. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    lol i got strong opinions, doesnt faze me at all. i always got a problem with white girls trying to be all hood... cause i know some who actually are, and those who put it on like a facade... that v-nasty chick is hella faking everything. FAKE ASS BITCHES.... hate em. girls like that get...
  12. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    why would we want to do it for ourselves? we know we suck, so we do what we are good at. they arent good at rap, so why do it? they can go fuck around and party with rappers all they want, but dont pretend to be one
  13. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    i know, they barely can go with the beat, got no flow
  14. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    dope? are you serious? bahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  15. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    lol i dont give a fuck how many shows they perform, or how many i dont. its about talent, not about the money. easy money off of lame ass raps and being crude little bitches trying to be hard is dirty money. Seriously, if they tried to come off hard around here, they'd be put in their place...
  16. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    Hey, their rhymes suck, their voices are annoying, they're posers... bunch of white girls who think that they can rap. They know nothing about it. Seriously, listen to the words... rap is supposed to have natural flow, theirs doesnt, its forced.
  17. Urca

    Who cant roll a joint

    I never had to learn, always had people who were willing to roll, then i'd let them hit it for a bit, return the favor, but i need to learn
  18. Urca

    Good rap??

    Beardo, that isnt rap, its just plain shit... leave the rap to the big boys, girls
  19. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    this rap is shit, they are wack
  20. Urca

    Wtf do I say?

    either way problem solved