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  1. Urca

    Cost to get back a un registered un fix dog from pound.

    lol last time i saw you, you told me i had a purple pussy.. lol anyway, sorry about the dogs
  2. Urca

    Cost to get back a un registered un fix dog from pound.

    idk how much it costs, problalbly more than it would have cost to get them registered and fixed. havent seen you in a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    i start college on monday, just talked to him yesterday. as far as he told me, he's proud of what i am doing, and told me to smoke more, so i wouldnt get so angry so fast
  4. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    ah your a sharp one arent you? i should hope you wouldnt have to use too much brain power on this post, after all, its not very complicated. Your point is duly noted, ill keep it in mind for future reference. Though id love to engage you in something that actually requires brain power.
  5. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    ah but the whole idea of it being ridiculous is subject to the reader, not to the orginal thought. its a valid thought, but since I disagreed with you, it deem it ridiculous, because i decided not to follow your advice.
  6. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    i just wanna return the favor, all last summer he smoked me out, let me stay at his house, paid for a special diet... I know he likes to smoke, does it everyday, I just wanna make him happy. Ill talk to my brother and see what he can do... he knows the people he gets weed from, idk the prices up...
  7. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    you do have a point.... ok, maybe i should have phrased it differently or asked someone i knew personally, as to not offend everyone's notions of what should be done on a forum.
  8. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    i have a diploma, just graduated this year. in may
  9. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    btw, i stated i dont have a job!
  10. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    it was a valid question..... i wanted to know what would be a good amount for me. you guys gave your opinion. I made my decision. not that hard to grasp. actually, no, I was looking for validation, like i was making a sound decision... if i wanted attention i would have posted something more...
  11. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    fifty is kinda high for me, but i would pay more if i dont get help from my brother and siser. Its hard, its coming out of my financial aid. At the most im willing to drop 100 bucks, but thats extremely pushing it. I dont have a job, so it is alot alot of money for me
  12. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    cause i was willing to buy more if i could be convinced it would be a good deal
  13. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    so much friction it caused smoke!
  14. Urca

    Black rolling papers?

    avoid peach optimos, they roll like shit... fucking hate them but since my sister loves the taste she buys them to roll weed with :(
  15. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    pretty much. plus, its just nice to get lit at the end of the day too
  16. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    yes, im sorry to say, heroin is out of the question :(
  17. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    meaning every night i am there. My dad doesnt smoke through the day. So i think it works out. and my bro works all day, so he cant smoke through the day either, and my sister and i wont smoke without them... it pans out
  18. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    it would be different if it took so much for us to get high we dont want to be baked 24/7, just at night
  19. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    I got an 1/8th around here for 40 bucks, got me lit for 4 or 5 days. then again, I dont smoke constantly when I have weed, once or twice a day if I have it, to ration. My dad smokes even less, unless im with him, I can get him to smoke more. He smokes a hit or three at a time, never more than a...
  20. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    its not a party, im just going to my dad's house, hanging out, taking him to dinner, and getting him lit. I can only afford 50 bucks. My sister should drop at least 30, and my brother should drop 40. thats 120 for how ever much i can get, to last 4 days at most, or if we want to get stupid high...