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  1. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    a: lame ass joke q: do you understand what that dude meant by hit? im pretty sure he didnt mean a joint
  2. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    a: myself :p q: who framed roger rabbit?
  3. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    a: fuck yeah i would q: would you feel guilty?
  4. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    a: maybe q: is that a member's only jacket? how ironic
  5. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    a: you wouldnt have to, lol i know better than be all clingy and shit, dont even expect a cuddle or even looking me in the eyes ;) jk jk q: do you wanna partay like its 1999?
  6. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    a: 15, i started crying, couldnt hang, felt like i was going in slow motion q: are you down with the get down? :p
  7. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    a: reality cannot be defined q: do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
  8. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    a: 27 bitches aint shit but _____. fill in the blank
  9. Urca

    Ask the Next Person A Question Game.

    5 good sir.
  10. Urca

    My BF is a dick!

    lol just everyone said it so seriously, i was hoping for some sarcasm! its the spice of life
  11. Urca

    My BF is a dick!

    Do none of you realize that this is a fake thread?
  12. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    Im saying fuck it, ill bring about 100 bucks extra, so i can just ask how much everyone wants to put in and then get it up there. whatever i dont spend comes home with me
  13. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    lol nevermind, sober up first
  14. Urca

    My BF is a dick!

    lol that is hilarious and sad
  15. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    haha you still owe me
  16. Urca

    Everyone today are so ungrateful

    thats the only time we hit him. except for now when he runs out into the street, or is rough around kids, he's a kid humper
  17. Urca

    Have you considered taking up Golf?

    fuck being a caddy... my dad used to make me be his caddy when he and my grandma went golfing. my ass had to carry both their bags, in the vegas heat, they never brought enough water, and I couldnt complain. Fuck golf.
  18. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    hola max!!!!
  19. Urca

    Everyone today are so ungrateful

    give them something to pee on, scoot it closer and closer to the door. then, move it outside. they'll be trained to pee outside after a while. though, we did it the fucked up way and smacked the shit out of the dog until he learned to scratch at the door... that still makes me have regret, my...
  20. Urca

    Exactly how much weed should I buy?

    lol i may be lazy, but i was trained how to take care of a house. Doesnt mean I like doing it, but I can do laundry, cook, iron, sew, vacuum, mop, wash windows, etc... Its part of being a woman, you have to learn how to do those things. Though alot of girls my age have no idea how to do anything...