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  1. F

    How do they look??? 4 weeks into flowering Pics

    Nothing? I went and got some molasses today so I will give them a feeding of that.
  2. F

    How do they look??? 4 weeks into flowering Pics

    I think its 2 different strains I got the seeds from a buddy of mine who said that one of them was ak and didn't know the other. The light is an econolight 150w hps and then I have some cfl soft white's around them. as for nutes i used ff grow big thru veg and i am now using ff tiger bloom and...
  3. F

    How do they look??? 4 weeks into flowering Pics

    Alright my girls are in they're 4th week of flowering and some on the two of the smaller ones the leaves are yellowing bad..Is this normal? Some leaves on the bottom of the biggest one turned yellow but I thought that it was just normal..and the 4th one has some yellow leaves w/ brown
  4. F

    1st Grow How do they Look? Just started 12/12

    no i vegged for about 5 weeks and i just put it into 12/12 4 days ago
  5. F

    1st Grow How do they Look? Just started 12/12

    When should they start to show sex? i was thinkin within a week they should start to show is this accurate?
  6. F

    1st Grow How do they Look? Just started 12/12

    I was thinking the exact same thing this is why I left them in there and didn't pull them earlier. As far as light I don't really want to spend more on lights so I'm just gonna see how it plays out like this. I think it should be good. I had another question also, right now I have them in 5L...
  7. F

    1st Grow How do they Look? Just started 12/12

    Do you think that I should pull the 2 little plants that aren't growing very much? Also does anyone else think that the light is the reason they are drooping like they are?
  8. F

    1st Grow How do they Look? Just started 12/12

    Anyone have any comments, suggestions? I just need to know if I'm goin in the right direction
  9. F

    1st Grow How do they Look? Just started 12/12

    Alright so I have 7 plants that I vegged for about 5 weeks. I threw them into 12/12 4 days ago. These plants are from seeds my friend gave me. He said that some were ak47. Can anyone tell if this is true or not? Out of the 7 plants there were a couple that grew real slow but i just let them...