How do they look??? 4 weeks into flowering Pics


Active Member
Alright my girls are in they're 4th week of flowering and some on the two of the smaller ones the leaves are yellowing bad..Is this normal? Some leaves on the bottom of the biggest one turned yellow but I thought that it was just normal..and the 4th one has some yellow leaves w/ brown this something i should be worried about?



Well-Known Member
I'm on week 5, but one of my plants yellowed a bunch also. Appears to keep adding bud though. I'll post pics in the next couple days to compare. I feel like my progress has slowed, probably cause my containers are too small and they're rootbound. Your containers look larger. Research epsom salts, mollases, and other ways to add nutes, but err on the side of caution- I put a couple plants out by the trash in a shady spot, not much light, little watering, and no attention- and they;re budding- HERES THE POINT- these plants seem to do alright with just water, light, and air!!

Good luck and what's the strain?


Active Member
I think its 2 different strains I got the seeds from a buddy of mine who said that one of them was ak and didn't know the other.

The light is an econolight 150w hps and then I have some cfl soft white's around them.

as for nutes i used ff grow big thru veg and i am now using ff tiger bloom and i added a little grow big last time i nuted.

Does anyone know if the yellow dying leaves on the first two is something i should really worry about?


Well-Known Member
Sorry no help yet. I think you're alright for a 150, I'm using 400 so my stuff is a bit more advanced, but doesn't look like some other guys on this site. Alot has to do with strain too I think. I've got 3 or 4 going, and some are way farther along than others. I think weeks 6,7, and 8 are where the magic happens. If you can get more light on them (HPS more wattage or get it outside- forgot, its probably winter there) it would help... if not, you'll still get some nice bud so that's awesome!!!