Search results

  1. Fast dog

    Add water only soil recipes please

    I'm sick of adding nutes every week and ph'ing etc it's really getting on my nerves I want to go totally organic, and no one mention subs recipe I'm not interested I just want a simple water only soil recipe with as few ingredients as possible, please post quantitys aswell I'm in the uk so only...
  2. Fast dog

    Suggestions please

    HSO purple train wreck in 5 gal plagron light mix soil and nutes ph between 6.5-7.0 using 600 hps around 3 weeks into flower it's been getting like this for about 4 weeks I thought it was an N def so I added more and nothing keeps getting worse so I've flushed it not sure what to do if it...
  3. Fast dog

    On a whim

    This is a proper motor !!!! This is my dream pure British engineering absolutely bomb proof these things out live any American car fact.
  4. Fast dog

    20 plants, 2400 watts, fox farm. yeild??

    About a pound
  5. Fast dog

    Breeders Boutique

    I want to order 3 packs but what happens do they just send them when you order or can you pick etc....
  6. Fast dog

    Breeders Boutique

    What strains would you recommend for BB and what freebies do you get thanks
  7. Fast dog

    4/20 special promos!?!?

    I've just had a look and there wasn't any freebies added in my cart or anything, so what do you mean by massive freebies
  8. Fast dog

    4/20 special promos!?!?

    I think all their bodhi is out of stock I'm trying to find some in stock on their website but it takes forever to look on my phone
  9. Fast dog

    Dr. Chronic 40% off today only

    What Bodhi gear do they have in stock
  10. Fast dog

    4/20 special promos!?!?

    Do the vault have any discount codes ??
  11. Fast dog

    Would I get much off them ? Please respond don't know what to do

    Looks pretty close to a pound to me mate good work ;)
  12. Fast dog

    4/20 special promos!?!?

    No one has mentioned it where can I find it
  13. Fast dog

    4/20 special promos!?!?

    The vault still have some bodhi gear available 11 regs £42 done deal and I'm gunna jump on some silver mountain.
  14. Fast dog

    4/20 special promos!?!?

    Yeah I'm wanting a good promo aswell I wouldn't mind getting some of bodhi's gear but I want a good deal on it. Ha
  15. Fast dog

    Herbies afghani regular

    I fed my ones to the birds, not worth a wank.
  16. Fast dog

    Best place to get Bodhi seeds I'm in uk

    Cheapest place to get their gear I'm in the uk and best place to get the deals thanks.
  17. Fast dog

    Is there anyway you could sell your seed collection

    Yeah I had a look on those lot of messing sending them your beans then you list em and try sell em then they send you the money.
  18. Fast dog

    Is there anyway you could sell your seed collection

    Yeah I was just wondering if there was a site somewhere like eBay for seeds lol and I would do but your not allowed to that sort of thing on the forum it's forbidden lol stupid I know but I think it's for legal reasons I have a shit ton of pick and mix seeds but I'll never get round to doing...
  19. Fast dog

    Is there anyway you could sell your seed collection

    I have a shit load of seeds I've bought over time but will never get round to running even 20% of um is there anywhere online I could sell em to recoup some money thanks.
  20. Fast dog

    There any good deals on 420
