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  1. Fast dog

    Oasis Grow Box

    Yeah I mean the magnet is a good idea and yeah maybe some plastic tubing and a roller so you can move the light up and down also what are those boxes on the side is a small space like that you need every bit of the head room but in your box it's taken away by those things on the side.
  2. Fast dog

    Oasis Grow Box

    The light doesn't look very tidy just hanging like that by its wire lol
  3. Fast dog

    Which strain to fill my space

    Don't grow the nlxbb it's shit I'd grow the blue amnesia on its own it will yield well and the smoke will be good how much head room do you have ?
  4. Fast dog

    Win 100 Awesome Seeds with The Vault and Sweet Seeds!

    I'm in thanks again guys great promotion ;)
  5. Fast dog

    UK do you vote in or out of EU ?

    Yeah we deffinetly could be self sufficient we give the eu 50 million a day and we get fuckall back and all the foreigners rape the system and then send the money back home makes me sick !!
  6. Fast dog

    UK do you vote in or out of EU ?

    I will be certainly voting out.
  7. Fast dog

    First Grow: Mainline Girl Scout Cookies with Platinum LED P4-XML2

    Looks like you've got the lst dialled rite in nice.
  8. Fast dog

    First Grow: Mainline Girl Scout Cookies with Platinum LED P4-XML2

    Nice clean set up there keep it up.
  9. Fast dog

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I know it's random lads but where the fuck have pills gone in the last few years I just can't get hold of any anywhere it's totally dried up in my area over the last few years my old man could get thousands of um few years ago your lucky if you get some cunt with 5 selling um in the pub and...
  10. Fast dog

    Meet the new breeders shaking up The Vault's roster...(PART 2)

    Nice, some very good breeders there had some good beans from a few of them.
  11. Fast dog

    First Grow - How Am I Doing?

    Nice job.
  12. Fast dog

    Recommend a Strain Please

    Purple kush if you can find it
  13. Fast dog

    Post your brand of tent you're using.

    Black orchid tents are good quality imo and are best value for money can pick em up fairly cheap of flea bay or Amazon.
  14. Fast dog

    What to grow from this list

    It's from HSO is that ok ?
  15. Fast dog

    What to grow from this list

    Ok cool thanks for your opinions
  16. Fast dog

    What to grow from this list

    Ok so blue dream blue cindy and purple train wreck seems to be the winners thanks guys
  17. Fast dog

    What to grow from this list

    I have these seeds from a friend and I have room to pop 3 more beans what would you grow. Blue dream Blue cheese Cookies kush White walker kush Strawberry amnesia Purple train wreck Og kush Blue cindy Bubbas gift Thanks ;)
  18. Fast dog

    blue cheese week 7 flowering

    I'd personally be concerned they should be bigger and looks like they may be suffering with heat stress. What setup are you using?
  19. Fast dog

    Cheapest place to order cxb 3590 in the uk

    What it says ;)