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  1. W

    I guess she is not going to make it [day 5 pics after shock]

    look is the same. if she is truly dead, what are the signs to look for? Leaves are green and brown all drooping but not fallen off... when dry give a grassy odour.. main stem and lower branches seem elastic and sturdy. plant drooping from top, held up by stake... I am going to try till the...
  2. W

    effect of electric shock on plants

    I have a grow box with an empty cfl socket.. empty because one more cfl makes it too hot.. the plants are growing and one of the branches nearly touch the socket.. I will probably cover it up tomo.. right now too baked... but was wondering what would happen if the plant poked thru the socket...
  3. W

    Help in self made grow room design (plants getting too hot) - pics

    should I also get inline fans? carbon filter is necessary once they go into full.flowering.. say 3 more weeks.. right now I can leave door open but then I wont be able to.. Btw what do you think of centrifugal fans? Are they the same as inline fans?
  4. W

    Help in self made grow room design (plants getting too hot) - pics

    I was thinking of replacing the 2 cfls with a few led floodlights for example these.. would they help? do they generate less heat? please advise. Note I cannot have very noisy fans and no light leaking out at times... absolute stealth necessary...
  5. W

    Help in self made grow room design (plants getting too hot) - pics

    Top chamber is about 2.4 feet high, bottom is about 1.8 feet. 2 exhaust fans each chamber and has one inlet fan at the bottom as in pics 1, 2 and 3. All fans are 80 mm PC fans. I selected the ones with less noise but good airflow.. but airflow is not enough I think. Plants appear to have heat...
  6. W

    Heat stress or nute burn? [pics]

    Can these leaves be recovered? Humidity is not a problem. It can either be heat or some nutes messing up.. PH of soil is 6.8. RH is 59% Temp at base of pots is 27 deg C. I am using CFLs and lamps are 2 inch above top of plant. This happened only to the top... so it seems to be the heat.
  7. W

    Heat stress or nute burn? [pics]

    Just saw this on my girl...Please help me in identifying the problem I realized that the lights were too close to her.. she had grown a lot in 2 days.. Can this be due to heat? or is it something else?
  8. W

    Help in identifying males...

    no worries.. better now than later
  9. W

    I guess she is not going to make it [day 5 pics after shock]

    I did something very stupid.. I damaged the roots of my biggest female...This was about 5 days ago. I had watered and gone for a holiday hoping that she would make it when I get back. This is what I found.She is probably worse looking thant what she was 4 days ago.. Here are the pics of her...
  10. W

    Help in identifying males...

    Which of these pics show males: Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Would appreciate some feedback. Also, any use of keeping males? I am not planning to breed, just clone. I read that we can make hash from them.
  11. W

    Is this a ball I see? [pics]

    3rd day of flowering. Looks to me like a ball of pollen.
  12. W

    Is she dead? [Pics]

    I made another transplant because I realized that the new pot was too big and would retain more water. I thought its better to do it now (day 1) than to shock it again. Full pics below. Now the leaves are turning brown on edges and curling up and sideways. Looks totally fucked.. Im too stressed...
  13. W

    Is she dead? [Pics]

    I read on this forum that ph of soil is average of in and out.. so my soil seems to be of the right ph ... 6.5 question is what are diy methods to lower the ph of water? would lemon juice be fine?
  14. W

    Is she dead? [Pics]

    thanks for the tip. it was really stupid of me to mess with the roots. I hope she lives... do I need to constantly spray water on the leaves to make sure they dont die due to transpiration? (since root was cut)
  15. W

    Is she dead? [Pics]

    so is there still life left in her? Soil details: where I live I cannot get branded soil so I have to rely on the local gardening store which sell their own mix. they have coco peat, vermicompost and neem cake mixed in. I additionally added 10-20 gms of nutes in the mix before transplanting...
  16. W

    Is she dead? [Pics]

    hi, I water when the leaves start drooping and soil feels hard. water till it comes out of drain after transplant I had watered throughly till it came from the drain. thr plant was not fully dry before trsnsplant. input water ph was 7.4 and drained water ph was 5.6. I had also cut off...
  17. W

    Is she dead? [Pics]

    temp 28 dec C. soil ph 6.5. This is after transplant 12 hrs. humidity 70.
  18. W

    Is she dead? [Pics]

    This is part of my continuing saga to save my female plant. See previous thread here Today she looked worse than yesterday... very weak.. Is she dead or can be saved?
  19. W

    Please help me save my girl !! she is getting yellow and seems to be dying [pics]

    it could be too much N but during repotting, it was found to be root bound and the roots touching the side were rotting.. so I hope *that* was the problem... I now worried about the drooping due to shock.. will it get ok or worse