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  1. W

    10 hour light schedule after 1 week 12/12 (from seedling stage)

    After my first unsuccessful grow (5 out of 7 females but still all 7 died sooner or later), I am now trying a 2nd grow. I am trying 12/12 straight from seedling and they seem to be growing fine. 1 week so far. However, due to some unplanned guests here for a while, I had to switch them to 10...
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    In San Francisco.. Looking for good seed-banks. Please help!!

    Im here for a couple of weeks.. I need to find a good seed bank to purchase some quality seeds. Im in downtown San Francisco.. closest landmark is Geary street/Mason street. Prefer something walking distance. Can anyone please guide me to the closest seed banks and dispensaries.. Im looking...
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    how to measure fan cfm the cheap diy way?

    I have a lot of old 80 mm fans lying around. I am using a micro grow box of 2' x 1' x 2.5' (h) .. therefore 5 cu ft. I am planning to use 3 or 4 cfls of 23 watts.. I need to find out which fans have the higher cfm. Also.suggestions needed for fan placement using carbon filters.. I...
  4. W

    Is this over watering (pics)?

    so many suggestions.. im confused.. going to wait another day or two before doing anything..
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    How to fix the "claw" or "canoe" of fan leaves? (2 weeks flowering) [pics]

    Soil ph is around 6.5.. my water ph is close to 7
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    Is this over watering (pics)?

    hmm but shouldnt gravity work even when its not hanging?
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    Is this over watering (pics)?

    Its not a temp issue.. I used a reflective packing sheet. temp at tip of plant is 28 deg C and 24 at bottom
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    Is this over watering (pics)?

    Is transplant the only way to fix? Soil was ok.. not the best but other plants are growing.. I definitely over watered. question is how to fix.
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    Is this over watering (pics)?

    should I really transplant like NOW or wait another day to see if it recovers? The soil is wet to touch and plant wilting from top.. so I suspect root rot.. and I only have the same size pot.. not bigger. Is that fine?
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    Is this over watering (pics)?

    do I really have to do it today? Can I wait another day... or will it be bad for her? Im afraid of doing more damage with transplant.. as Ive done in the past.
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    Is this over watering (pics)?

    im using a local brand potting soil. cannot get commercial soil where I live..
  12. W

    Is this over watering (pics)?

    soil is wet to touch.
  13. W

    Is this over watering (pics)?

    soil was wet today when I saw it.. still is wet. dont really wanns transplant as Ive already killed one girl doing that.. can I wait for a few days to let it sort it out itself. heat is not a prob. top of leaves are 28deg and bottom is 24deg C. humidity 48. soil feels wet.. at least the top 1...
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    How to fix the "claw" or "canoe" of fan leaves? (2 weeks flowering) [pics]

    It could be Nitrogen poisoning (most likely from what I read here). I might have been over-zealous in adding nutes. Now all but 2 plants have the claw. The leaves are also very dark green. How to fix? Im in 2 weeks flowering and dont want to transplant. Should I flush the soil? What are the...
  15. W

    Is this over watering (pics)?

    I was too stoned yesterday and forgot that I had watered this girl the day before.. so I watered it again.. :( :( Today the plant is looking as in the pics. Is it over watered or some other problem? :( :( :( Please advise on how to fix this.. thinking of just holding off water till the...
  16. W

    lights from side and below plant?

    I am planning to cover the entire wall of my mini grow box with led strips. It will add another 2000 lm. Is it a good idea? Will too much light shock the plant? and is it a good idea to shine light from side and bottom of leaves. its 8 days flowering and I need to do scrog.
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    do plants prefer pure white light to warm white?

    Im using 50% whites because wanted to save... im a cheap-ass
  18. W

    do plants prefer pure white light to warm white?

    I have a plant in flowering surrounded by equal number of white and warm white CFLs of identical wattage (is this a good idea?). The leaves seem to be turning towards white... like increasing pitch on a propeller. Why is this happening? The warm white have in fact slightly higher lumen rating.