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  1. M

    2nd week of flower, first grow

    Hi guys, this is my first grow, 2x northern lights, been in 12/12 for a week and a day now, just thought I would post a pic up and see what you guys think. How is it looking in terms of health and such? Any opinions or advice greatly apreciated.
  2. M

    Nothern Lights Grow - How Tall?

    I'm growing 2 NL ad we speak, switched them over to flowering at only 10 inch as I have limited space and they seem pretty mature to me
  3. M

    different growth rates?

    Oh right thanks for that, makes sense really I was just a bit worried something could havebeen wrong, Ive already taken a clone which seems to be doing ok. Just can't wait to see some real buds forming, had them in flower a week today but still only got some white hairs showing.
  4. M

    different growth rates?

    Yeah I thought maybe it could have been over watered, but I've always been really consistent in giving both plants the exact same treatment, so I can't understand why only one of them is stunted unless I've been slightly negligent! never knew about lower nutrients under flourescents though...
  5. M

    different growth rates?

    Hi everyone, been reading all the wonderful advice given on here for a while and have learnt a lot! I'm currently in the proccess of growing 2 northern lights plants as my first grow. Had a few learning curves to start but I think theyre on track now. However I have s question. I've changed...