different growth rates?

Hi everyone, been reading all the wonderful advice given on here for a while and have learnt a lot! I'm currently in the proccess of growing 2 northern lights plants as my first grow. Had a few learning curves to start but I think theyre on track now.
However I have s question. I've changed them over to 12/12 a week ago. And it seems now, one of them is growing a lot quicker than the other in terms of height. They are in the exact same environment, same feeding schedule, amountof nutes, same lighting and so on.. I just wondered if this is anything to worry about with the plant that's going a bit slower, or is it just normal to have varying growth rates. Look forward to hearing some opinions, thanks in advance.
No worries.

If everything else is equal different plants can grow at different rates. Northern Lights is the strain but within the strain are many different phenotypes. And those phenos can be as different as day and night. In general a strain will have similar properties but will always be a little different. Just like humans, we all pretty much look the same but none of us are the exact same. Well maybe some twins are? If you like the way it is growing you can take a clone of the plant and it will be an exact replica of its parent/donor.
There may be couple of reason for different growth rates like over-watering, light deprivation, low nutrient etc. Nutrient strength is also related to the light intensity, plants under fluorescent lights usually require a lower nutrient concentration. Sometimes few stains require higher light levels than others.
Yeah I thought maybe it could have been over watered, but I've always been really consistent in giving both plants the exact same treatment, so I can't understand why only one of them is stunted unless I've been slightly negligent! never knew about lower nutrients under flourescents though thanks for that, I've never given them max strength as of yet so glad you told me that, I have only been at 3/4 strength maximum so far.
No worries.

If everything else is equal different plants can grow at different rates. Northern Lights is the strain but within the strain are many different phenotypes. And those phenos can be as different as day and night. In general a strain will have similar properties but will always be a little different. Just like humans, we all pretty much look the same but none of us are the exact same. Well maybe some twins are? If you like the way it is growing you can take a clone of the plant and it will be an exact replica of its parent/donor.
Oh right thanks for that, makes sense really I was just a bit worried something could havebeen wrong, Ive already taken a clone which seems to be doing ok. Just can't wait to see some real buds forming, had them in flower a week today but still only got some white hairs showing.


Well-Known Member
If the 2 plants are from seeds then they will be genetically different, so you would expect them to have different growth rates. It is very rare for seeds to grow only one pure phenotype of a strain i.e. identical growth rates