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  1. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banner Auto

    Thanks. I've tried dry trimming once and it's too much extra work. So much harder. So I'm keeping the rh in the box at about 65 and non direct fan. I'm hoping for good results! The branch I cut 2 days ago is progressing well. No where close to crispy yet.
  2. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banner Auto

    Either you're over estimating that box or I'm wildly under estimating my yield. God I hope you're right :)
  3. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banner Auto

    Update 16: July 22 Day 92 !!!HARVEST DAY!!! Hello all! So on day 90 I took off a branch to trim and dry to compare to the rest of the batch I had planned to go to 95 days. It was absolutely gorgeous and I even noticed that a couple of the very full calyxs had the beginnings of a seed... proof...
  4. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banner Auto

    Update 15:July 20 Day 90 Week 7 flower Shes still holding in there! The leaves are dying, but slowly. The buds are super frosty and dense. Amber trichomes are showing on the buds at about 10%. While I think I could really harvest any day now, I'm going to try to push it to 95 days and plan to...
  5. Greenthumblady

    When to harvest and plant health

    Once all the pistils (white hair-like things sticking out of buds) go brown then check the trichomes for ripeness. You have at least a week after all the pistils brown so no rush. I would guess you have another 2-3 weeks :) The estimate time from breeders is typically short. I'm growing an auto...
  6. Greenthumblady

    First time auto run

    You said "pretty warm". Can you check the actual temp and humidity? Attach pictures of all plants/ your set up? Is there a fan? An exchange of fresh air? That one just might be a stunted bean.
  7. Greenthumblady

    First Auto Grow

    Its typically low ph vs high but hard to even correct until you have a way of checking ph. Hope you're able to correct. Been there. Low ph killed my first indoor attempt :(
  8. Greenthumblady

    1) Rust Spots 2) Harvest time?

    I agree those look fantastic... but at least 3 weeks to go. Most of those white hairs have to turn brown first and then another week or two. But you'll be so happy you waited. Are you adding cal mag? Those spots could be a deficiency too. Lowering the other nutes may make those needed more...
  9. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banner Auto

    Update 14: July 14 Day 84 Week 6 flower Looking lovely! Those leaves are barely hanging in there but I think will get it to my target of 90 days. On one hand, I wish that I had kept up the nutes a bit longer as she flushed early, but on the other she didnt like nutes and technically is doing...
  10. Greenthumblady

    Newbie are these ready to flush before harvest?

    Very nice! Congrats on a successful grow!
  11. Greenthumblady

    Autoflower with yellow leaves

    Do those pots have holes at the bottom?
  12. Greenthumblady

    Can anyone tell me how close this is to ready

    The full plant picture. May just be shading but take a second look bc there are some suspicious white spots
  13. Greenthumblady

    Can anyone tell me how close this is to ready

    Wowza! Looks huge! Do I spot a bit of powdery mildew? Try to get more circulation in there if possible.
  14. Greenthumblady

    How do you flower a mother?

    Truth! Spin this into a positive and make those photos your bigger producers. Unintentional staggered harvest :bigjoint:
  15. Greenthumblady

    How do you flower a mother?

    I would treat the others as photoperiod. I agree those in flower have 4+ weeks to go. The breeder always underestimates. But look good! May want to LST next grow
  16. Greenthumblady

    How do you flower a mother?

    What do the flowering plants look like? You may have gotten some non autoflower seeds by accident
  17. Greenthumblady

    Purple stems, first grow ever!

    I grow in soil, but from what I've read that ph may be a bit high for hydro.
  18. Greenthumblady

    Purple stems, first grow ever!

    What kind of lights are you using? In my experience purple lights = purple stems.
  19. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banner Auto

    Update 13: July 8 DAY 78 Week 6 flower So turns out the yellowing was just a sign that she's ready to wrap up! In the past few days, almost all of the pistils have browned and trichomes on buds are almost totally cloudy with some amber on the leaves. Yesterday I watered with just phed water and...
  20. Greenthumblady

    Generic fertilizer autoflower

    Been there! Happy to help. They look great so far!