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  1. Greenthumblady

    Pistils in seedling stage, is that normal?

    This is exactly where you should start. There are a million questions you dont even know to ask yet. Spend a few hours on research and ask questions after learning the basics. Happy reading!
  2. Greenthumblady

    Pistils in seedling stage, is that normal?

    That soil just won't do. Theres lots of research out there for the finding but the essentials would be nice airy and nutrient rich soil with good drainage. Good soil can make up for a lot of beginner's mistakes. And make sure you look into lighting requirements also before popping another seed...
  3. Greenthumblady

    garage grow

    So to be clear you're wanting to know how to feed warm air from inside your house into a closet you're building in your uninsulated garage? Actually just re read and I'm seeing the problem is access to said closet while keeping it insulated?
  4. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banger, mini gun, and crystal candy

    Thank you! All good news! Looks like the author of this thread got some bb fast buds. That could be interesting.
  5. Greenthumblady

    Bruce Banger, mini gun, and crystal candy

    I dont mean to take over the thread but any insight on the bruce banner autos? I'm doing one on my next grow!
  6. Greenthumblady


    This was a lesson I learned early. I had a grow outdoors where it didnt start to flower until September! It wouldn't have been ready until mid November which here in Ontario means snow. Harvested early. Learned a lesson. Proceeded to do ALL the research.
  7. Greenthumblady


    The only way to be in control is to have an indoor grow or autoflowers. My bro once got through a grow by taking his plants into a pitch dark shed every night for 12 hours. But mess up once and your grow is screwed. It's too high risk and even he ended up harvesting stupid early. Check out my...
  8. Greenthumblady

    Super basic yet effective grow cubby

    I've taken a peak but they're all a lot bigger scale than what I'm working with. I was glad however to confirm I wasnt breaking some unwritten rule of pot by hanging them vertically! It seems to helping the bottom bc I have nice big nugs throughout. And yes... lots of wasted space on this run :(
  9. Greenthumblady

    Super basic yet effective grow cubby

    Thanks Il I'm planning to lst my next grow. Im hoping to be much fuller. Itll be autoflower so I'm hesitant to do anything high stress like topping. Will be researching supercropping tho so thank you!
  10. Greenthumblady


    This is very true. At my latitude warm = late enough but thats not the case everywhere. He did mention he's already getting 13hrs light tho... I bow to your expertise. I've only been doing this a few years small scale.
  11. Greenthumblady


    A couple quick notes. Your window likely wont provide enough light for long. You may want to look into some supplemental lighting. Plants can go outside once its warm enough (two week after last frost minimum, temps should be preferably be in high teens or low 20s). Don't forget to harden...
  12. Greenthumblady

    Is that male?

    Am the only one who doesnt see balls? Look like calyxs to me. Any naners?
  13. Greenthumblady


    Pictures? Window? So many questions.
  14. Greenthumblady

    Please help brittle curling leaves

    This reminds me of a previous grow. Ended up being my medium was hot (too much nutes) and ph too low... which would also lock out calcium. Check ph runoff and lower nutes would be my suggestion.
  15. Greenthumblady

    Looking for some advice.

    And you plan to do this for 35 plants? That's commitment sir!
  16. Greenthumblady

    Looking for some advice.

    Make sure you harden those ladies off before putting them outside permanently. Even though you're mimicking the time of day the leaves will still need time to adjust to the power of direct sunlight. With so many plants, bringing them in and out probably isnt an option so set up a greenhouse...
  17. Greenthumblady

    How do I get this to stop?

    Hard to tell. Can you take some no flash shots?
  18. Greenthumblady

    HELP PLEASEE! Will normal soil be good for my plants?

    My local grow shop is taking online orders with scheduled pickup once a week. Check your area's shops websites to see if they're open to pickup. My light blew so I was in a similar boat.
  19. Greenthumblady

    Super basic yet effective grow cubby

    I have the smallest apartment known to man. Its shocking actually. I had my plants stolen last year so outdoor is not an option. They were huge. It broke my heart. So I've managed to set aside a cubby in my bathroom for my wee grow. Specs: *Odd shape about 2'x1.5' *Top light is actually a...