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  1. S

    New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

    1 liquid nute every 2 weeks. yea the deluxe should work wonderfully! but if they get too tall you can supercrop it but you can cross that bridge when you get there. and i made them flower at 12 inches. the aerogarden trellis should help too.
  2. S

    New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

    so far the aerogarden nutes have worked great. and no i dont put in any tabs the tabs are from the older seed kits. i use the liquide nutes that come in the new seed kits. 1 8ml packet each feeding when the light comes on. the water temp stays regulated but i would reccomend the tall aerogarden...
  3. S

    New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

    by the way how can follow my post?
  4. S

    New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

    just the basic liquid nuts from aerogarden.
  5. S

    New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

    heres my first Aerogarden grow im not sure but i think its almost done...someone please tell me if im wrong.... and for some reason some of the fan leaves turn yellow then fall off starting at the bottom then work their way up! the tricomes are milky . oh and some of the leaves at the tips of...
  6. S

    heres my first Aerogarden grow im not sure but i think its almost done...someone please tell me...

    heres my first Aerogarden grow im not sure but i think its almost done...someone please tell me if im wrong.... and for some reason some of the fan leaves turn yellow then fall off starting at the bottom then work their way up! the tricomes are milky . oh and some of the leaves at the tips of...