New Aerogarden need help from the pros!!!

heres my first Aerogarden grow im not sure but i think its almost done...someone please tell me if im wrong.... and for some reason some of the fan leaves turn yellow then fall off starting at the bottom then work their way up! the tricomes are milky . oh and some of the leaves at the tips of the leaves are starting to die. i put a cap full of basic paroxide in the water resivior as a fugicide ... and added a stone bubbler...any help would be greatly appreciated!

The family 075.jpg
The family 076.jpg
The family 078.jpg

The family 079.jpg


Well-Known Member
they dont seem to have any red hairs yet. and seeing that it might not produce much i would let the calyxes get 75red 25 white before chop just for extra weight. i say that would be between 2- 3 weeks which gives you plenty of tiime to flush. if you havent started a flush yet then i would say that your leaves are prolly the product of nutrient burn. wut u usin


Active Member
hey man i am bout to start my grow in an aerogarden. first of all your plant looks awsome. i want to ask somethin about aerogarden tho.
seems like your using aerogarden nutes right?. Do you think it find to use aerogarden nutes? did you put 1 small tab every week? nd how's the water temp going on in the res?


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so far the aerogarden nutes have worked great. and no i dont put in any tabs the tabs are from the older seed kits. i use the liquide nutes that come in the new seed kits. 1 8ml packet each feeding when the light comes on. the water temp stays regulated but i would reccomend the tall aerogarden model and maybey a small airstone from wallmart to put in the resivior.


Active Member
so far the aerogarden nutes have worked great. and no i dont put in any tabs the tabs are from the older seed kits. i use the liquide nutes that come in the new seed kits. 1 8ml packet each feeding when the light comes on. the water temp stays regulated but i would reccomend the tall aerogarden model and maybey a small airstone from wallmart to put in the resivior.
thanks. I also have liuq nutes. So, 1 small liqu nutes per week right?
Have AG delux, which goes up to 56cm, nd a 5inch airstone.


Active Member
i ve heard that AG nutes are too strong to use for weed. Do you put whole small liqu nutes?.
1 liquid nute every 2 weeks. yea the deluxe should work wonderfully! but if they get too tall you can supercrop it but you can cross that bridge when you get there. and i made them flower at 12 inches. the aerogarden trellis should help too.
  • Seedlings (week 0-2) - No nutrients.
  • Veg Period (week 2-5)- One 5.5ml packet per week
  • Flowering Period (week 5-12) - one 8ml packet per week
  • Change your reservoir water on a weekly basis, which is usually done with nutrient additions/changes.
its supposed to be Blueberry from dj short i should of but i didnt really time the veg stage but i just let it get to the 12inch minimum and put it on a 12/12 it got to 12 in very very fast tho.