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  1. Eharmony420

    Let see some pics!!!

    Hear this! When i went to 400 hpd i started to save elctricity elsewhere. I turned off lights and the tv when i was not watching. Turned off the comp, and unscrewed some bulbs so i wud not be tempted around the house! I ended up saving 25 dollars frim the previou month of no hp! I gone...
  2. Eharmony420

    Cover a plant in multi plant setup?

    I got a plant in flower a month. Its pollinated and just showing seeds. I got 5 clones going. I was wondering what if i kept the whole setup of 1 big plant and 5 clones all under the same light. Flowered for 12 hours all of them and then at the end of 12 and 12 put in a mh conversion bulb and...
  3. Eharmony420

    Seeds on my pollinated plant!

    I think i got seeds showing on my pollinated plant! They are under the buds at each site. Little fat growth is starting to crack ona lower nug and i swear i see seeds, they look huge on the plant! Am i right? First grow:?:
  4. Eharmony420

    battery back-up aerator (bubbler) if lights go out????

    the pet shop has the battery airpumps for power out emergencys!
  5. Eharmony420

    Lol Duchbag Get What He Had Coming

    That sounds like me! that's fucked! Yu aint getting me coppers!
  6. Eharmony420

    Rockwool medium, cubes or cut up sheets?

    small clone i know, lol. First attempt at cloning. Good root tho! Liek 4 inches of roots with hairs on them.. I did them in a dwc bubbler cloner. I made that myself. 100 percent success. Plant is growing and i love the thot of all that oxygen. If this works for A.L BFUCT then i think it...
  7. Eharmony420

    Rockwool medium, cubes or cut up sheets?

    :fire: Here is my experimental ebb and flo clone! I dunk it once a day in a sauce pan with nutes and supertrhive when i turn the lights on. It looks good only day 3. THe rockwool cubes have a thin layer of hydroton on top t okeep moisture in,, i fig i try!
  8. Eharmony420

    Rockwool medium, cubes or cut up sheets?

    :fire: Here is my experimental ebb and flo clone! I dunk it once a day in a sauce pan with nutes and supertrhive when i turn the lights on. It looks good only day 3. THe rockwool cubes have a thin layer of hydroton on top t okeep moisture in,, i fig i try!
  9. Eharmony420

    Rockwool medium, cubes or cut up sheets?

    trying for pic, gimme ten!
  10. Eharmony420

    Sittin in science class thinking I could make make a 10 part bubbler with the vials.

    I had a three foot test tube hooka.. The tet tubes were like 2 feet big and they were connected with rubber stoppers and copper pipe.
  11. Eharmony420

    Hand watering rockwool pots?

    Hey me and another other guy had a question. What would rockwool pot outiside of a ebb and flo table be like? Just dunk each pot or better yet just water reg over the plant like a soil plant? Any experience like this? I have one clone in a rockwool cubed medium net pot. I have benn placeing...
  12. Eharmony420

    Rockwool medium, cubes or cut up sheets?

    I have one net pot filled with cut up rockwool cube going right now. I have one clone going like this and a layer bout half inch of hydroton on top of the rockwool. I just dipping the net pot in a sauce pan of water once a day now and watching. I did it once at lights on yesterday and just...
  13. Eharmony420

    Rockwool, PH and PPM

    should be fine, i beleive it was only "dirty" from the factory. Now it all yur systems dame as yur water. I wud still check. I have not checked mine for my ebb and flo experiment and it looked good, yu reminded me, i will when lights go on!
  14. Eharmony420

    Rockwool medium, cubes or cut up sheets?

    I have a stupid question. Rockwool comes in big cheap sheets and in little bag twice the price for the ebb and flo cubes. I need the cube and i was wondering if u could just by the big sheets and cut up or is it nescecary to buy the precut cubes. I know that rockwool needs airpocket to work and...
  15. Eharmony420

    Rockwool, PH and PPM

    rockwool is gonna have to be soaked for a few hours or overnight in ph balanced water. It comes i think very acidic. It might be basic. I think basic. I not clueless jut forget its been a while. After that snap the rockwool with yur wrist to get water out. Dont squeez. Rockwool needs air...
  16. Eharmony420

    cloning issue

    That's awesome about the dark green leaves! I'm amazed mine came out so good. Cutting under water, superthrive, and oxygen i found out. They a good feeling. I got one in an experimental ebb and flo with rockwool medium and it growing fast! Reps+++
  17. Eharmony420

    marijuana and fruits

    ever hear of tomacco? That was a cross breed of tobacco and tomatoes. You could eat the tomatoes for yur nicotine fix.
  18. Eharmony420

    Weird girl, my first flowerer

    Plants doing better, i have no patience. Instead of over analyzing a camera-less grow i am reading the Rosenthal book about marijauna.
  19. Eharmony420

    Weird girl, my first flowerer

    Hey now i warned you. Lol, that post was me 3 days awake and with a headful of opiates. At the time i thought i had just completed the sistine chapel. Bump that post please!
  20. Eharmony420

    cloning issue

    I read the nitrogen slows down clone process. Then after u see roots they ready, i think. Just telling u all i know, man. I swear by superthrive! I gonna drink some next!