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  1. C

    Leaf problem!

    For the watering i correct the PH from 7.0 to 6.5. Also i should tell that my grow environnement can be somewhat hot, the temp sometimes increase at 40C. For this reason i maintain the lamps at 20 inch for a 400W, could it be a overheating sign?
  2. C

    Leaf problem!

    Like you can see the leafs show a problem can you identify the cause? The strain is blueberry grown in "Canna bio terra plus" with the fertilizer "bio vega". The plants are at 14 days. Thanks.
  3. C

    Growing in Coco and needed instruments.

    For growing in coco I think that the PH tester is essential, but is the EC, TDS meter required, since I will use the run to waste method with 20% run off?
  4. C

    Hash medicinal properties

    I need to know if the properties of hash are the same as the weed. For example the weeds used as an infusion are a good anti inflammatory med, but is the hash as good? Does the weed have properties not present in hash?
  5. C

    With the Canna Line of fertilizer, wich supplement is the most important?

    I will change my fertilizer for the Canna Terra products. But there are many supplements (Rhizo Tonic; Canna Zym; PK 13/14; Canna Boost) and some are costly. From your experience wich supplement i shoud buy now and wich one i could buy later.Thanks.
  6. C

    Only using base nutes, for growth and flowering, is it sufficient?

    I'm at my first grow and i only used the two basic nutes, for grow and flower, no other additives. Those additives are costly so my question is , does it worth it's value?From your experience I invest in the additives will my bud yield be much better?(I grow indoor in soil)
  7. C

    Do you know a good nutrient for indoor growing in soil ? From your experience...

    I presently use General Hydroponic FloraNova Bloom for the flowering stage. But I can't use the full strenght only about 75% of the indication. The result is good and it's simple, only one product to use. Also it's partly organic. But at your place I would start with 50% of the indication and...
  8. C

    Do you know a good nutrient for indoor growing in soil ? From your experience...

    I grow a blueberry strain inside in soil with HPS. It seems that my particular strain is sensible to over nute. I generally apply the nutes with a 75% ratio of the recommendation. If you have a good experience with a specific product let me know...
  9. C

    Blueberry strain still green after 6 weeks of flowering, is it normal?

    Lacking of space inside I transplanted outside some plants and some of them bacame of a nice purple color, but at least one is still green. Effectively those outside plants lived some relatively cold nights say, 50F. Does that mean that my inside blueberry's will never turn purple?
  10. C

    I pollinated one branch of a blueberry strain, how long for the seeds?

    I just pollinated a branch of my blueberry strain female (Jordan of the island) with a male of the same strain and i need to know how much time it should take to have my seeds? The branch is covered with a paper bag. Also does it affect somewhat the bud production of the other branches not...
  11. C

    Blueberry strain still green after 6 weeks of flowering, is it normal?

    I grow indoor so the temp range from 20 to 30 celcius. Never very cold!
  12. C

    Blueberry strain still green after 6 weeks of flowering, is it normal?

    My blueberry plants are in very good shape with nice buds, bud i notice that their color is still green not purple? Is it normal? Those plants are growing inside in pots.
  13. C

    Could you identify the problem with my leaf?

    I did a leaching (flush) on one of my plants, started with the container quantity of water, waited 30 minutes and the plant was leached again with the same quantity of water. After I added the normal dosage of fertilizer. The plants enter the fourth week of flowering. Three days later the result...
  14. C

    Could you identify the problem with my leaf?

    Like you can see on the photos leafs are curling and brown from the tips, leafs that present this problem are the lower ones, the top is in good shape, the big fan leafs are more damaged than the others. The plants are into flowering since 3 weeks and they are in pot. The variety is Blueberry.
  15. C

    Leaching my plants in pot or not?

    I just leached one of my plants with two times the pot content, to eliminate the salt build up, and after i added a normal fertilizer dose, because i don't want to starve my plant in the flowering phase, I will update the thread in maybe one week when I will be able to compare the result with...
  16. C

    Leaching my plants in pot or not?

    From the reading i done, the leaching is normally referred to be used to dissolve the accumulated salts that could block the absorbtion of fertilisers, and the flush is usually described as the technique used in the final week or so of the flowering to eliminate the ferilizer in the plant that...
  17. C

    Leaching my plants in pot or not?

    My plants are in the third week of the flowering stage and i never made any leeching. I read that it should be a regular maintenance activity to reduce the salt buildup that comes with the fertilizers. Are you leaching you plants it pot? Do you use an additive like Clearex?
  18. C

    Should I adjust my PH in soil?

    I think that the good PH for a soil is around 6.5 did anybody tried to ad dolomite lime to increase the ph in an acidic soil?
  19. C

    Should I adjust my PH in soil?

    I grow in soil, Miracle Grow potting soil. My plants are into flowering since 3 weeks and some leafs are curling, so I took a measure of the run off ph with a stripe and it’s quite low for a soil, around 6.0. The intake water is at 7.1, If the water gets in at 7.1 and out at 6, I suppose that...
  20. C

    Plant in flower but too tall.

    I already cut the tops in the veg phase and the stem had splitted in two. if i continue to cut the tops in the flowering phase what will be the impact on my plants?