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  1. C

    Plant in flower but too tall.

    I tried the LST and the result is that it will take much more place in my small grow room and I will have to sacrifice about 30% or my plants. Do you think that a technic like a chicken fence could stop my plants to become taller while keeping more plants in my grow room? If i use a chicken...
  2. C

    Is the flowering developpment normal?

    For the veg i was feeding with miracle grow all purpose fertilizer (24-8-16), i started with a dosage of 25%, 50% 75% and 100% one time a week. For the flowering I switched to GH FloraNova (4-8-7) with a dosage of 50% then 100% also one times a week. My plants are nicer since i use FloraNova...
  3. C

    Plant in flower but too tall.

    If i do that training do you think it will need more time for my plant to complete the flowering stage? Is there a chance that the bud production will be more or less with the training method?
  4. C

    Plant in flower but too tall.

    My plants are in the flowering stage since 2 weeks, and they start to be too close to the light, it start to show signs of burn. The main stem was pruned in the veg phase so now it grows with two branches. My space is restricted, i grow the blueberry strain that should be maximum 1 meter, the...
  5. C

    Is the flowering developpment normal?

    The vegging was 4 1/2 week, after that period the pre sexing was apparent on 80% of the plants. Growing from seeds. Effectively after the first week of flowering I made some change to the tent to cut some source of indirect light. It's quite better now. I can see pistils on the plants but it's...
  6. C

    Is the flowering developpment normal?

    I'm new to growing so each step of the development for me is new. I started the 12-12 flowering stage 2 weeks ago and i am not sure that the development is normal because I see no bud only leaves, is it normal. The strain is blueberry. I add a photo to help! Thanks.