Should I adjust my PH in soil?


New Member
I grow in soil, Miracle Grow potting soil. My plants are into flowering since 3 weeks and some leafs are curling, so I took a measure of the run off ph with a stripe and it’s quite low for a soil, around 6.0. The intake water is at 7.1, If the water gets in at 7.1 and out at 6, I suppose that the soil is in the 5 to 6 range. Should I adjust my soil, if yes how to?


Well-Known Member
If the runoff is good then you're fine. Your problem most likely has to do with nutes...


Well-Known Member
well there shouldnt be anything wrong with the dirt, so what did you do to it? ive been growing in mg for a VERY long time, never had any issues,never even ph'd before, though i normally use the ph adjusted african violet soil ;).... i would transplant into a mix of equal parts perlite and mg,any mg but the potting and seedling mix, try the organic if you prefer not to have time release balls


Well-Known Member
nevermind, if your already into flowering dont transplant, what nutes are you using, i use their bloom booster all the way through veg and flower, mg contains all the micro nutes and everything except mag and sulpher, you could foliar feed to fix lockout, curling leaves? heat/light stress or magnesium rolling up? if curling down like a canoe your ooking at over fert


New Member
I think that the good PH for a soil is around 6.5 did anybody tried to ad dolomite lime to increase the ph in an acidic soil?