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  1. 29menace

    How do you keep humidity down

    my humidity sits anywhere between 60-80%- odds. is there any way to reduce this as im in flower and dont want bud rot.. thanx to all that leave sum info.
  2. 29menace


    my humidity is high in my grow room (60-80%) and one of my bigbud plants has some powdery mildew on some of the lower leaves. i run 2x400w hps and have 3 (20litre) gt205 nft tanks which wont help things ,my grow room is roughly 5ft wide 14ftlong and 7ft in height , i have a 16in oscilating fan...
  3. 29menace

    Advanced Nutrients

    can any1 help me out with advice on advanced nutrients sensi grow/bloom range. im just looking for sum1 that uses the same feed as me so they can give me sum pointers on how much to use and what the correct cf readings should be. im growing white widow and bigbud afghani and there doing...
  4. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    just gave second wks feed and evthin is hunky dory lol.. cf reading is 8 and ph is 5.6-5.8. temp is 70-80f which is fine and humidity is high -60-70%. whats the best way to keep humidity down coz its causin mildew or powdery residue on sum of the leaves on my biggest bigbud afghani. ive...
  5. 29menace

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    just havin a look at your journal n your widow is looking alot beter now. glad to see it made it bro. cant wait to see the rhino when its bigger. here is a pic of 1 of my widow plants 1wk in2 flower.
  6. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    here are my 2 hps 400w lites and sum pics of my plants and hygro-meter readings.
  7. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    here are some of the nutes n ferts i use. Advanced nutrient stuff seems to produce bigger and bushier plants with loadz more bud sites than any other 2 parter ive seen.
  8. 29menace

    Theorically Double THC-content

    when i grew bigbud and white widow i started flowering and it was ok but 3wks down the line i had noticed that sumfin was wrong.. it wasnt till i checked my timers that i found they had went bak to 24/7 instead of 12n12. they could have been like that for almost 2 wks and my plants suffered...
  9. 29menace

    Advanced nutrients

    in veg i use sensi grow a+b , mother earth grow,sensizym, humic acid,b52,barricade and voodoo juice. in flower i use sesi bloom a+b, mother earth bloom,humic acid,b52,barricade,carbo-load liquid,sensizym,voodoo juice,bigbud liquid and overdrive. does any1 else use this feeding routine and...
  10. 29menace

    Advanced nutrients

    with the sensi grow/bloom i use all but the powders (ie) scorpion , tarantula pirahna. i have all the other stuff and also think its the best on the market. my plants look healthier and are twice the size of my plants that i grow with greehaze 2 parter. i used to and sumtimes go with there...
  11. 29menace

    Advanced nutrients

    the charts i have are at full or nearly full strength. i have done a grow at 40% of chart and it was fine but would like to get an idea of what other ppl do.
  12. 29menace

    Advanced nutrients

    is anyone here using advanced nutrients .??? i use the sensi grow n bloom 2 parter and just about evthing that goes with the grow charts they supply. my only problem is that since ive started using these ferts ive never really known how much to add. ive done a few grows and have had good...
  13. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    its just my mobile phone m8. u get that from the hps. im getting a digital cam shortly so ev1 can see my pics clearer and without the lines.
  14. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    hope so too bro lol... any1 wi info on the ph thing can u leave a post plz....yhanx
  15. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    in my g,rm there is 4 big bud and 4 white widow clones.. that big1 shouldnt really have been put in my tanks coz its a monster and will prob overgrow evthing in the tub lol.. others are now catching up a bit and are only 8 inches smaller. a wk or 2 and they mite even off a little. sumtimes i am...
  16. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    im growing in 3- 20 litre nft tanks and using 2 x 400w hps. i use advanced nutrients sensi grow/bloom 2part ferts and have most of there other products in the range..(costs a fortune lol).. any1 with info on advanced nutrients please leave your comments and exchange info with me coz as all...
  17. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    pics coming soon.
  18. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    as this is the first time ive been on this web site its gona take me a little while to work evthing out so please stay tuned coz im going to put pics of my plants and g,rm in shortly...