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  1. 29menace

    Advanced Nutrients

    thanx jsgrwn i use voodoo juice n just about all the other stuff for sensi grow / bloom 2 parter. i will post a pic of my grow chart in a bit and hopfully you will let me know what you think n let me know if im under feeding.. Adv nutes seem to be better than most stuff ive seen but coz you...
  2. 29menace

    construction of a tree fort

    ive heard of ppl growing in trees and believe it or not i know sum1 that suggested it to me as an idea so ppl dnt stumble accross them when there outside lol... would be great coz you can chop into the tree so your plants get access to all the light. we had the idea of placing a big grow bag...
  3. 29menace

    What is the best ph

    hi m8 , no probz yet lol.. the only thing i cud say is that everyday i need to re-set my ph coz within 12-24hrs it rises to about 6.1-6.3 i dont mind re-settin it but just wish it would stabalize. sumtimes after a few days the ph falls to about 4.3 so does this mean this is when i have to...
  4. 29menace

    Advanced nutrient

    who here uses advanced nutrients sensi grow/bloom 2 parter with all the add ons. and may i see your grow chart so i can compair it with my own chart.. if any1 here can help can you also let me know wot your weekly ppm is each wk in veg and each week in flower.. thanx ppl
  5. 29menace

    36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

    led,s really aint the best m8 . u shud use either hps or halide. even though you have a big plant in your grow room dont mean that they work... for instance have a look at my journal and when you compair plants just have a look at my big bigbud in the left hand side tank.. its only 4 wks old...
  6. 29menace

    2x400w hps

    my grow room has 2 400w hps and im just curious to how many plants its possible to grow with...... my room is almost 14ft long 5ft wide and 7.5ft high.. so far im growing 8 plants and would like to know just how many i cud squeeze into that space..
  7. 29menace

    What is the best ph

    my nutes say to set your ph to 5.6 but is this what is best using hydro.??? in veg i set it to 5.6 but im now in flower and would like to know what my ph shud be.. i dont wana ruin what im growing so any hints n tips will be gratfully appreciated.. thanx in advance to all that help.:peace:
  8. 29menace

    Advanced Nutrients

    is there any1 else in here using advanced nutrient.???????? if so can u please leave your veg n bloom charts for me to compair with my own with . thanx ppl. any info is good info so share your wisdom lol...
  9. 29menace

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    hi bro. cant wait to see your growth with your new halide. shud be better than the hps. i was thinkin about gettin a halide but with the extra heat im not so sure yet eh. coz im already experiancing high humidity levels i dont wana add extra heat just now , but my humidity probz cud be...
  10. 29menace


    thanx cyclone. any info is good info coz as you know we are all trying to do the same thing and in my eyes any help is well appreciated. there is a lot of ppl out there that dont have a clue and just say anything to keep you happy. will let you know how i get on but u shud have a look at...
  11. 29menace


    you all shud have a look at my journal n tell me what you all think.
  12. 29menace


    im growing using hydro which seems easier than soil.... my ph is usually around 5.6-5.8 but i let it wander slightly to say 6.1-6.3 sumtimes i leave it to go up n down itself but on the odd occasion i reduce it to 5.5 n let it fluctuate slightly. im just tryin to get an idea of what other...
  13. 29menace


    i have read loadz of charts and seen a few that are different. so here is my question to you all. what ph would you recomend for veg and what would you recomend for flowering.??? my ph sits at 5.6 in veg and sits at 5.8 in flower.. im using advanced nutrients sensi grow/bloom 2 parter with...
  14. 29menace

    How do you keep humidity down

    hi blunt. ive got two rvk 100 extractors for in and outlet. was gona get a bigger rvk (125) but mite just get a de-humidifier coz there cheaper.. shud check out my journal... its white widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow. let me know wot you think. cheerz.
  15. 29menace

    How do you keep humidity down

    thanx dank i mite just get 1.. will try anything to get it down coz ide say it was way to high.. thanx m8..
  16. 29menace

    The Cannabis Photo Comp!

    here you go guys have a look at these pretty ladies lol. all from my own grows.
  17. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    the tub on the right hand side is being fed greenhaze grow/bloom 2 parter. i also use triple f which is a flowering booster and add it from the 14 day of flower till the 46th day. says it can increase yield by as much as 50%. i dnt know much about this fert but will see how it goes against...
  18. 29menace


    cheerz ppl. dehumidifier sounds like a good option coz there cheap n do the job so will maybe get 1 and see what happens..
  19. 29menace

    How do you keep humidity down

    thanx skitz , was planning on getting the rvk 125 for outlet so hopfully that will reduce the humidity a little.
  20. 29menace

    Advanced Nutrients

    Thanx snow white and edux, im glad of all the help i can get. yeah snow white sensi grow/bloom is amazin stuff lol i couldnt believe how it compaires to other 2 part formulas. edux thanx also for the info m8 i will put it to good use. i have a truncheon and take weekly readings or...