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  1. 29menace

    My plants

    im now 24 days into flowering and just wanted to know if you all think ive got decent plants. every day i look at them n say there aint gona be alot on them at the end so this is why i need a second opinion. i know near the end the budz will grow alot more but with just under 5 wks to go im not...
  2. 29menace

    My budz

    here are all 8 of my plants at 24 days flowering.. would you say there alright or small for the time in flower.?? thanx...
  3. 29menace

    My budz

    just a wee question for you all. at what week in flowering do the budz normally grow the most.. im at day 24/flowering and just think they aint gona be big at the end.. if you have a wee look at my journal you will see my plants in all there glory. my pics aint that great coz they were...
  4. 29menace

    from veg to flower

    its kind tricky but with time im sure you will get the hang of it.. i give my plants a light feeding programe and my tyipical ppm readings are as follows. veg.wk1 630ppm wk2 770 wk3 910 wk4 1050 flowering. wk1 840ppm wk2 980 ppm wk3 1120 ppm wk4 1260ppm. wk5 1120 wk6 980 w7 and 8 just...
  5. 29menace

    from veg to flower

    you could put more light in there but only if you have the space.. i run 2x400w lights and it gets hot sumtimes m8. if you put 2 in then raise them a little bit more cause they will produce alot more heat.. dont want burnt plants lol. what size is your g/room. do you have good...
  6. 29menace

    from veg to flower

    do you have a ppm reader or truncheon.??? its best to get one because you can tell if your over/under feeding. i keep my ph around 5.6-5.8 at all times in both cycles and is fine for what i do. never go by wot it says on the bottle either coz you will burn your plants. always stay below the...
  7. 29menace

    from veg to flower

    i dont know anythin about your nutes but there will be plenty of ppl in here that will be able to help you.... as your temp and humidity they seem fine. im growing a white rhino in bubbler and i use advanced nutrients products. only info i can give you is treally the basics on what to do...
  8. 29menace

    from veg to flower

    all depends on wot your usin . hydro/soil.?? your plants/plant may well keep growing till its more than doubled its size as they usually do when you change to flowering. also you mite not see anything for up to 2-3wks after you switch to 12/12. some plants are just slower than others. i cant...
  9. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    here are a few more pics taken today @ 11.30am. yeah bro cant wait either lol. will be 4wks on tuesday that it gets chopped. or there abouts.
  10. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    cheers for popin by cali n glad you like wot im doing.. just crap that ma pics aint that great.
  11. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    had to post sum ov these lol...
  12. 29menace

    Please Anser!!!

    veg is from the start of growth to the point where you flower.. also its the time in which you will grow your plant to the required size b4 flowering her. normally i would veg for 3-6 wks depending on height coz remember that a plant can double its size and possibly more when you go into 12/12...
  13. 29menace

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    everytime a come here there gettin bigger lol. not seen them in a few days n there lookin great. keep up the gd work. your rhino cud just be like mine bro n just not like alot of nutes. i burnt mine but its recovering nicely. wont be long before that widow shows you wot it is,,. now your in...
  14. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    here are some pictures of my plants at day 24 (flowering). there all growing fast and each day gets better n better lol.
  15. 29menace

    Green haze ferts

    will find out and let you know m8.. thanx.
  16. 29menace

    Forming A Legalize Cannabis Campaign

    if only it was a simple thing to achieve.
  17. 29menace

    Green haze ferts

    not one person left a reply.. how shoddy is that.. even if ppl came in and said "dnt know m8" atleast that wouldnt be so bad.. were all in here learnin from each other and expanding our knowlege on growing so wheres the harm in helping a fellow gardener.. will get my own info..
  18. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    you cant really see alot in pics taken with my phone. all are good strong healthy plants and startin to get frosty.
  19. 29menace

    The hairs are changing color!?!?

    ive been reading your thread and similar happened to me on my last grow. i noticed a male and stupidly i cut it out my nft tank and completly forgot about the roots that were left in tank.. a couple of days went by and my female looked ill and couldnt understand why. then when i looked at her...
  20. 29menace

    Should I have done this?(new to hydro)

    i made a bubbler out of a 12 litre bucket and use net pots with rockwool cubes as i find it works well. i cant really help you out coz ive been growing in nft tanks which is different but similar lol. i dont know much about dwc so sorry m8 cant help.. " im still learning myself"