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  1. T

    2 different bugs on outdoor. What the hell is this thing?

    Did a nice spray on plants this morning with hose. Hit the bottom good with the DE. My only concern with dusting all the foliage on top is not being able to tell if I get powder mildew or anything since the leaves Will have a white coating already.
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    2 different bugs on outdoor. What the hell is this thing?

    Thanks for the quick reply. Weird looking pest huh? Looks like it has a peice of cotton stuck to it. I did notice the ones I saw yesterday seemed they were on the stems and not the leafs. Should I spray down the plant with some water from a sprayer to knock off whatever ones are already on there...
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    2 different bugs on outdoor. What the hell is this thing?

    So I am an Massachusetts. Got 6 outdoor plants. 15g pots. Was cleaning up the bottoms yesterday and noticed a little white furry bug. Looked like a small peice of cotton. I went to grab it and it jumped. I believe it may be woolly aphids? Couldn't get a pic of this one. But I also found this one...
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    Bad start to the outdoor season

    Yeah I used a bag when I had them in small pots and it was horrible. Got them out of that now luckily
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    Bad start to the outdoor season

    Hey guys. Everything going pretty good with the outdoor now. Got them out in 15 gallon pots right now. Got one that is showing some distorted leaves though. Mostly toward the tops and newer growth. Any idea what the cause of this might be? Hoping to get on top of it before it gets worse but not...
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    Bad start to the outdoor season

    Thanks for the help. Finally got things on track. Thanks man. They are finally getting to where they should have been a month ago. I mentioned I used fox farm ocean forest in 2 gallon pots after they were sprouted and had good root system. Well I had a feeling I got a bad batch of soil cause...
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    Bad start to the outdoor season

    These were last years outdoor on may 22nd. Don't know where things went wrong on this run but I'm hoping they will bounce back for me.
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    Bad start to the outdoor season

    Yeah I've never had issues like this so early into a grow. I've had plenty of successful grows that's why this is getting frustrating. I've been giving them PHed water and they are not improving. So as a last hope at getting them back on track I transplanted them from 2G pots into 4s. Using my...
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    Bad start to the outdoor season

    Whats up man. Half of the plants seem to have bounced back a little bit. Not perfect still but they are growing and showinf healthy new growth. The other half are growing much slower and the top 2 or 3 nodes are getting these brownish spots starting at the tips of the fan leaves. Looks like...
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    Bad start to the outdoor season

    Thanks for the help. Much appreciated. I had them in red solo cups before the 2 gallon pots. The roots had just begun to really wrap around the bottom of the cup when I transplanted. Just threw me off to see them react so poorly to the transplant. Never had that issue before. Ill try giving them...
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    Bad start to the outdoor season

    So I'm having a couple issues. Started some seeds indoors to get them ready to go outside at the end of the month. Waiting for new ph pen to come in so I transplanted them into 2g pots of fox farm ocean forest. good amount of nutrients in it. Figured since I don't have ph pen yet thatd be...
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    Current culture system. Top off reservoir

    Whats up fellas, Recently purchased a uc4xl (4 buckets). First time with this unit. I'm trying to setup the top off reservoir now. I don't have any problem setting it up my question is really based on maintaining it. While reading up on the current culture website it says the best thing to do is...
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    New dwc/perpetual indoor setup for winter

    I wish I had haha but no I have not. But that's the reason I'm asking. Trying to get a good idea of the veg time required with dwc to reach that goal. If its more like a month then that's what I will do. A guy I just linked up with today (my friends neighbor) showed me his setup today. He's got...
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    New dwc/perpetual indoor setup for winter

    Thanks for jumping in on this. I am planning for a short veg phase of just 2 weeks possibly 3 depending how it goes. So my plan is to take nice cuts for clones (probably around 10inches) once rooted I'm debating whether it'd be worth topping (And having slower growth for a couple days) at a...
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    New dwc/perpetual indoor setup for winter

    What's up everybody. Finishing up the outdoor season and getting ready to bring the operation back inside. Going with a new set-up. I'm looking to do a perpetual dwc setup. Start 4 new cuttings every month. Clones root for 2 weeks. Veg for 2 weeks in 3 gallons buckets. Then off to flowering in...
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    50000 square feet. Colorado Legal rec grow

    Hey Merlin. Awesome thread and even better grow. Looks unbelievable. I'm looking to switch over to cmh on my next indoor run and have been reading thru this thread. I noticed this is the only picture with Rockwood stacked. Only one I noticed so far, up to page 25 at least haha just curious if...
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    Powder mildew... Can't catch a break lately

    Thank you all for the replies. Much appreciated. Thanks for the advice. I ended up getting some green cure and have used twice so far. Once on 9/5 and again on 9/11. Unfortunatly it did burn the tips of my pistils on a couple of plants. However I consider that a small sacrifice if I'm able to...
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    Powder mildew... Can't catch a break lately

    As you can see in the title. I've stumbled on some powder mildew. Right now my plants are a couple weeks into flowering outdoors. Couple of indica dom. Hybrids as well as some sativa. So some plants should be done right around October. Others will need longer and may come down a little bit...
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    Closed column extractor. Difficulty of use?

    Appreciate everybody who shared there input. After looking over everything and studying the process I have not made a decision yet but have been looking into rosin press as well. Seems like its not as big of a process. Never need to get butane. And I figured I could use dry ice or one of the...
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    Closed column extractor. Difficulty of use?

    Yeah def a little pricey. Did you have a smaller one or one of the bigger extractors?