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  1. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    & my dumb ass baught some seeds & wasted 2 of em on my 1st attempt at growin hydro...i shoulda known just gonna try growin sum bagweed this time til i figure this shit retard rookie fuckin shit
  2. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    well thanx guys....& yea shit sry i totally 4got bout da pix be4 i dumped it...but it was white with hints of red or purple maybe & it was almost like wet cotton balls er somethin yanno...real slimey like...pretty nasty shit...& it just came out of nowhere i checked on my dying plants a couple...
  3. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    ok can any1 tell me y i got all this white mold? i didnt change my water for a lil over a month (no nutes) & the water stayed crystal clear, i add nutes & like a week to a week & 1/2 later i get a ton of this shit! what can i do to prevent it from happening again asside from the weekly or every...
  4. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    what is muriatic out in the sticks & there is no hydro stores anywhere near there a common substitute i can use, something i can get at like walmart er menards? [edit] i just read about muriatic acid could i use Phosphoric acid instead with good results? & yea my bad about...
  5. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    oh btw i just dumped it & got it soaking in hot bleach water right now & the net pots er whatever didnt have any of the mold or whatever it is on them u think i should still wash them with the bleach water too & what about the hydroton is that trash now or can that be cleaned? & my "stone" is...
  6. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    membrane? u mean the filter? filter was changed either last yr or the yr be4 & they say its supposed to be good for like 5 yrs er something if i remember right
  7. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    we have had our RO system for like 6 yrs i think its broke i would say reducing the ppm from 1090ppm to 129ppm its doing its job its just has a difficult job to
  8. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    ye appearntly my RO system is working just have a minor delemma with changing out my res weekly or 2 weeks whatever....the RO unit we have is a small under the sink modle that only holds like 4 gallon er something at a time & takes a few hours to resupply itself & i put like 6 er...
  9. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    well we got nasty ass well water the ol rotten egg water be4 going thru whole house filtration then RO. ok i just dbbl checked to make sure i wasnt misleading u all....the water coming from our tap thru the whole house filtration system is 1090ppm & thru the RO it is 129ppm so maybe i just had a...
  10. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    thanx for the airation & h202 info guys...i assume they make like splitters so u can run 2 hoses. & did u say to put the pump in the water? isnt that gonna fuck up the pump?
  11. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    "might be going out on a limb here but you took plants that were a month old that never had any nutrients and went straight to 800ppm? Didn't you experience nutrient burn on the little fuggers? You should start much lower than that and work your way up. I start them at 50ppm then move up by...
  12. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    well my 1st grow didnt turn out so good, my 1st 3 plants were looking good 4 awhile considering i didnt have any nutes but in a little over a months time the never got any bigger than like 1 maybe 2 inches tall & were turning brown. finally got my nutes & brought my ppm up to 850 (didnt want to...
  13. P

    my 1st hydro grow

    well my 1st grow didnt turn out so good, my 1st 3 plants were looking good 4 awhile considering i didnt have any nutes but in a little over a months time the never got any bigger than like 1 maybe 2 inches tall & were turning brown. finally got my nutes & brought my ppm up to 850 (didnt want to...
  14. P

    Official MMA Thread.

    yea thats true..brock is pretty damn fast 4 his size...i just remember watchin Sapp waste some mofos...he had (has?) a lil speed 4 his hulking size but yea hes pretty slow
  15. P

    Great glass

    thats cool i said im new to glass...the only glass pipe i ever haad was a glass 1
  16. P

    Official MMA Thread.

    oh man that sucks...sry to hear that...i know how it is..i was in a car accident left me blind in my right eye....ill be sendin a prayer his way
  17. P

    Official MMA Thread.

    lol...whatever happened to ummm wtf is his..."the beast" Bob & Brock would be interesting
  18. P

    Official MMA Thread.

    yea well i never seen em fight...i never really seen rampage fight til he came to the UFC but i heard of him....seen Wanderlei Silva fight quite a few times on Pride hilights
  19. P

    Official MMA Thread.

    oh my bad with the lister fight..i misread your
  20. P

    Official MMA Thread.

    oh i know man..whoever designed the freeways in chi was