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  1. P

    Problem: Not sure if flowering or if it's male plant seeds

    the ph was quite low the other day when i checked it & i raised it a lil & the yellow tinge to the leaves is fading...starting to look a lil greener now than what it was a couple days ago...& now that the male is gone & this plant has the whole set up to itself it should be getting better...has...
  2. P

    Problem: Not sure if flowering or if it's male plant seeds

    oh ok..i thought they showed there signs with in 10 days...i was looking trying to get a better shot spinning the plant around & i think i saw 2 tiny hairs in the area of that cluster in pic 2...i couldnt get a clear pic tho...sure hope im right...& the 1st pic was just to give u a pic of the...
  3. P

    Why are my plants showing sex

    hows about these pics? any easier to tell? these are about as close i can get & they r still a lil blurry
  4. P

    Problem: Not sure if flowering or if it's male plant seeds

    yea the other plant being a lil bigger & them being in somewhat cramped quarter over shadowed this 1 & i dont think it was getting enuff light & the other might have been smothering that the male is gone im hoping this 1 will start to take off...i have been having probs with the fan...
  5. P

    Problem: Not sure if flowering or if it's male plant seeds

    yep..wasnt sure with hairs on top if it was male flowers starting up or bud...ty...death to all can u tell me if this is female in these pics?...i see no balls but i dont see any hairs either..started flowering them the same time about 8 days ago...this 1 seems to be the runt...
  6. P

    Why are my plants showing sex

    ok heres the other 1...its prolly about 4-5 inches shorter than the other & more full...started flowering bout the same time 8 days ago...i dont see any balls but this plant seems to be runt of the group & the lone survivor:wall:...sure hope its a girl
  7. P

    Why are my plants showing sex

    ok will do...ty wasnt sure with the hairs on top if it was the begining of bud or male flowers....btw all pics of same plant...let me try n get some pics of the other 1 maybe u can help figure out if its a male too or female
  8. P

    Why are my plants showing sex

    can some tell me if this is a male female or hermie? i cant tell...
  9. P

    Problem: Not sure if flowering or if it's male plant seeds

    can any1 verify from this pic if this is a male, female or hermie? im not sure
  10. P

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    new pix...about 6-7 weeks veg btw i have noticed a few of the lower leaves are getting a lil crispy that something i should be worried about?
  11. P

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    i can prolly do heres acouple new 1s i think pics 1 & 4 is the sativa & pics 2 & 3 is the indica & if im not mistaken its the other way around bro...indica is shorter & more bushy & the sativa is taller......
  12. P

    Did YOU Get High Your First Time?

    i didnt get high the 1st time or the second from what i remember (i been smokin bud for about 25 yrs...since i was like 10)...but the 3rd time i got baked as all hell...uncontrolable laughter almost like trippin.
  13. P

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    oh they r doing good i said them were the lower leaves early growth all the new growth is looking very green & starting to stink up my room a lil already...its gonna be krazy stanky when i start to bud they are both bagseed plants but i think 1 is some kind of indica &...
  14. P

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    & oh yea hydro grow...i like it alot, seems to be a lil easier than growing in dirt & its supposed to produce better quality shit...ill let ya know in a couple months provided at least 1 of my 2 plants is the girl of my havnt figured out to do private msges yet but if u PM me i...
  15. P

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    there is a little spotting on 1 or 2 of the bottom leaves but the new growth is nice & green here ill try n get a pic of the spotted leaves. ok new pix here 4 ya just showing the spotted leaves. + rep conz
  16. P

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    they are about 10 inches tall prolly a month & 1/2 from seed, might have gotten a lil stress early in life as is my 1st hydro grow & they got a lil nute burn early but seem to be going strong now growing about an inch a day it seems. do they look good to u from the pix?
  17. P

    the way to tell male and female plants.. the noobie guide

    can u tell yet if these r male or female? edit btw these are still in veg stage if u werent sure. this is my 1st grow in alotta yrs, i remember people always saying if your plant has 5 fingers on its leaves its male & 6 fingers female. i guess that theory is like stone age
  18. P

    Official MMA Thread.

    GSP killed BJ...i havnt seen anyone get so dominated! wtf happened, did BJ go on another coke binge er something? whats his excuse? he looked ready at the weigh ins.
  19. P

    white mold in my res..HELP

    & how much & what kind of Hydrogen Peroxide should i use for say 7 gallons of water. i have a little bit in the medicine cabinet but i would think i want food grade if i get 35% food grade how much should i use?