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  1. Eharmony420

    Veg clone is flowering, oops, advice?

    Bump! (That means to the front again right?) Lol, Ahhhhhhhh, its budding! Never thot id say that. My only options i can think of are to eithe go forthe 36 hours of dark or keep the light on and hope. Its been thru 24/0 light for over week way over, i gotta check but it is ever since i...
  2. Eharmony420

    Veg clone is flowering, oops, advice?

    I cut some clones early in flower and i did not think they would root as i am a first time grower. Any wya they all rooted supremely. I put 2 in floer chamber right away. They doing great. I put 2 more under 24/0 under 2 cfls. They were going to be mothers. I just check the mothers and...
  3. Eharmony420

    Clone to Flowering (LollyPopp'n)

    You have inspired me ldb! I have clones going and i climbed into this forum to see how to lollipop them and there you were, reps+. So i cut all the branches and leave jsut the fan leaves? I hope i right. An answer to this question will set me straight, i basicalyy think i got it. I put some...
  4. Eharmony420

    ANy DIY aero grows? Can I se? I building

    oh yeah i plant to have 10 mister's which hit 360 degress full time with a 370 gph pump that has 6 feet from head 370gph inline so res does not heat up. :) Any advice would be nice
  5. Eharmony420

    ANy DIY aero grows? Can I se? I building

    i have not grown aero before. I am growing dwc right now and it cake. I want to have 10 clones going in an aero set up in a 4x4x6.5 tent under a 400 hid. I want to keep one to 2 mothers and a clone chamber for rooting in another area i have set up. I plant to root the clones for a few weeks...
  6. Eharmony420

    staggered, two strain SOG

    get a bigger light. also remember you want to keep that light a foot or so above canopy. It depends on the light. For your 150 i say 6 inches or lower. I'm sorry i dont think a 150 is a good choice for a 8 plant setup, but otherwise you sound good to go, cg on your white widow. You can...
  7. Eharmony420

    Tire mulch works! (so far)

    as always, thanks high life.
  8. Eharmony420

    ANy DIY aero grows? Can I se? I building

    What happens when the root get o aturated with water they jsut drip it? Is it oxygenated, is this like a drip then and does it slo it down. Should i acct for that? I have herd to put the miters pointing down o a not to get clogged with roots and with a test pipe and the shower as my 370 gph...
  9. Eharmony420

    ANy DIY aero grows? Can I se? I building

    I'd just like to see any diy aero grows going on. I building mine and planning ahaed and i' ike to know any thing u have learned. Set up and deign of misters and pumps interests me. I was planning on running a straight pipe up thru the center of the rubbermaid . I hope that is enough. Have...
  10. Eharmony420

    DWC Help

    Lol, i bought my first dwc as i was completley clueless, then the other day i realised my clones in some trashed rw i had were not rooting, so with my new skills, i grabbed a coffe can and a air pump and stone popped a few holes in the lid and dropped the clones in. In a few days i had 100...
  11. Eharmony420

    DWC Help

    So damn happy i found u kirkland! After months with dwc i am goeing aero, and i based my design on yu. I did not know what size pump to get so i got 370 gph, what size is yours please? I might not have enuf water sites looking at yours, i plannred to go right through the middle of a long 20...
  12. Eharmony420

    My first Aero Grow, N.Bright & Violator Kush

    Thot i posted this but i musta got sent elsewhere, so forgive repeating posts. Lose the foil!!! It will bburn your platns, it creates hot spots. Use comp paper, or something else white and flat. :) Good luck
  13. Eharmony420

    My first Aero Grow, N.Bright & Violator Kush

    lose the foil, that creat hot spots. Computer paper will work. Or cardboard with comp paper on it. i did that, plastic lids etc. etc. Never use foil on a grow, good luck
  14. Eharmony420

    500cfm fans $36

    lol, yeah with a carbon filter i wud spring for the bigger fan, or at least a package deal. That's right.
  15. Eharmony420

    Kludge - Grow 004 - Bag Seed: FIM, Pinch HST, LST

    I flowering and cloning a seed i found on my bathroom floor!
  16. Eharmony420

    a question mainly for the guys...

    I like girls who behave :)
  17. Eharmony420

    it's coming along :D:D

    Congrats, i a nub with a 400 too. I had to emergency a tent and a vented hood for my grow! The damn thing was so much hotter than i tho it wud be! Good luck to you, keep posting pics!
  18. Eharmony420

    500cfm fans $36

    i use a 6 inch duct fan from htg for 26 dollars to coll my euro hood and 400 watt hps in a $x4x6.5 tent with passive intake and that it. Imight just be lucky but it works just fine. I keep the temop of the tent almost to a degree the same as outside. 85-78 usually. I want more but maybe...
  19. Eharmony420

    need aero advice

    thought yu had hids? Hey answer us al this, whats inside an aerogarden? How big is the pump? How are the misters, are they sprinlers, misters full 360's or 180's. i am putting together my own aero set up and have the pump 370 coming and 10 misters 360 coming. I just wanna hear what the ag...