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  1. 5ourdiesel

    Advanced Nutrients PM/PPM Perfect is Awesome!

    i feel like 90% of the people that say that AN sucks either have never tried it or have used way too much to the point of overfertilization. if you go off their nutrient calculator, you will burn the shit out of your plants. THey calculate ppm by EC x 700 = ppm when the standard for most...
  2. 5ourdiesel

    What Do Pistils Come Out Of? Is This Normal or a Hermy?

    completely normal female preflowers. they look like the rollitup icon cartoon dude...swollen base with little hair pistils from the top most people dont know what the hell they are because they dont veg long enough or only expect to sex their plants when they flip the lights. females have...
  3. 5ourdiesel

    Part a Part B?

    -do not use the AN nutrient calculator off their website...its all fucked up. -go off of the label of the bottle directly - there are 2 sensi formulas, one is pH balanced and the other is not pH balanced - the non-pH balanced formula requires 1.8mL per L of distilled or RO water for 600ppm for...
  4. 5ourdiesel

    Has Anyone Successfully Graphed an Autoflower to a Non-autoflower?

    i've searched around but all i could find was a bunch of people debating it without actually having tried it. im wondering if it would work well if the AF was graphed to a big bud, critical mass, or AK...something with a huge root base. hopefully it wouldnt cause the base plant to start to...
  5. 5ourdiesel

    Liquid THC Tincture and Electronic Cig

    wonder if it would be possible to vaporize hash oil and compress it into an inhaler like albuterol
  6. 5ourdiesel

    Vegging for 1 Month, Is This a Male Pre-Flower?

    i have been vegging for one month and just came across this at the fifth node. does this represent a male? is it possible for the pollen sacs to break during veg?
  7. 5ourdiesel

    3 Week Old Seedlings,Older Leaves Have Brown Spots,Yellowing,Cotyledons Not Dead

    Hi everyone. I have a few seedlings that sprouted three weeks ago that are under an 8 bulb t5. I have a temp probe at canopy level and the temps are 77-83 ~50% humidity. A few of the seedlings are turning a yellow shade and the lower leaves are getting brown spots on them. I have been feeding...
  8. 5ourdiesel

    Mites! CO2 Poisoning

    very true. even if most of them die the eggs will still hatch
  9. 5ourdiesel

    Highest THC Content?

    whoa defensive are we? oh yea forgot that you work there and are defending your business...personally i dont care who you are. i never said science wasnt real. but spitting out numbers without telling us your measurents is pretty flawed im not going to lie. its not like the scientists that...
  10. 5ourdiesel

    seeds vs. clones

    seeds will yield more than cuttings, talk to any professional agricultural farmer. Whether it be corn, soybeans, sunflowers, rice, etc etc seeds yields more. weed is no different
  11. 5ourdiesel

    For whoever knows their electricity... pic included

    this 3 prong dryer outlet is NOT grounded!!! there is no such thing as one 240V hot lead. the two slanded prongs are each 120V that are 180 degrees out of phase which is 240V difference. The bottom prong is neutral. Under no circumstances can you run a HID ballast off of only a neutral wire.
  12. 5ourdiesel

    How do they know the % of sativa/indica?

    ya seed companies just guess by the phenotypes. some completely fuck up...barneys farm pineapple chunk is labeled indica but is truly a sativa. only way to do it right would be to find the genotype through dna sequencing which is $$$$$
  13. 5ourdiesel

    Need help with my seedlings!! PLEASE...

    i had the same problem 2 weeks ago...heres what i did -raise your light way up! -add some cal-mag or mix a little tap water with distilled to help buffer the pH better- measure pH of runoff to make sure. -get a cheap humidifier to keep humidity above 60% and add ice cubes to cool the air more...
  14. 5ourdiesel

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Rep. Alan Grayson asks the Federal Reserve Inspector General about the trillions of dollars lent or spent by the Federal Reserve and where it went, and the trillions of off balance sheet obligations. Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman responds that the IG does not know and is not tracking...
  15. 5ourdiesel

    Highest THC Content?

    i think thc content is a total scam. they never show you the numbers and data from the gas spectrometer that they allegedly use for the calculations of thc percentages
  16. 5ourdiesel

    ?'s about water and ppm

    ppm is total ppm of everything. if your shooting for 800ppm and your tap water is 200ppm you need 600ppms of nutrients. the reason why RO or distilled water is so good is because you allow the plants to uptake more nutrient that they can use. be careful though, some companies use different ppm...
  17. 5ourdiesel

    What's the best autoflower?

    onyx can give huge yields. theres a grow on another forum where someone got 900 wet grams off of one onyx under a 400w