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  1. Smokin Thunder

    Help with transplant question... newbe elarning

    anyone... please help
  2. Smokin Thunder

    Help with transplant question... newbe elarning

    bump...... ..................
  3. Smokin Thunder

    Help with transplant question... newbe elarning

    What up, Im new to all this and need hold with 2 quick questions. 1. I have my baby (bag seed from killer crip) that sprouted about 10 days ago. I keep her under 2 26watt 6500k cfls 2 inches away. right now i have her in a small 4" pot with jiffy-mix seed starting with extra spaghnum moss and...
  4. Smokin Thunder

    Seedling leaves curling down? help please

    I only but a enough to cover the top but not enough to drain all the way down. I learned from my first attempt that over watering kills.
  5. Smokin Thunder

    Seedling leaves curling down? help please

    hello all, I noticed since the plant had its first set of leaves that the seem to be curling or growing down yet it looks green and healthy. is this normal? I currently have it in jiffy seed starting premium mix with extra perlite and sphagnum moss. I'm watering her 2 times a week and keep her...
  6. Smokin Thunder

    Newbie question on seedling and light

    Thanks for the info M8, ill definetly do this today. but what about the light spectrum? is a 10,000k floro and an actnitic blue ok for the seedlings?
  7. Smokin Thunder

    Newbie question on seedling and light

    what ups? Well i'm new to this hobby and after weeks of reading and research I got my first seedling to germ and sprout. its about 4 days old now since it sprouted and I was wondering about lighting. I got her "hopefully" to sprout in jiffy-mix and in a jiffy pot. I have it in the Jiffy...
  8. Smokin Thunder

    First grow and I think i made a boo boo... please help

    So is it possible for a seedling with a bit of root rot to make it back and grow?
  9. Smokin Thunder

    First grow and I think i made a boo boo... please help

    8.0( dam.. I guess its just a typical newbie mistake huh
  10. Smokin Thunder

    First grow and I think i made a boo boo... please help

    Hi all, Last week I germinated my first ever seed and it all went fine until today i noticed that i diden't see the seed sprout yet. Something told me to check it out and low and hold i noticed the seeds little white root that came out was going away but still had some on it hanging. I used...
  11. Smokin Thunder

    Newbie needing help with new seedling

    Any one.. Any one... Bueller, bueller...bueller :o)
  12. Smokin Thunder

    Newbie needing help with new seedling

    What about the lights from a jbj NanoCube? They are 10000k 50/50. Will it be fine for sprouting seedlings untill i can take that bitch outside and transplanting them to thier final home?
  13. Smokin Thunder

    Newbie needing help with new seedling

    Hi all! this is my first try at growing for my own use, I germinated and planted 1 of 9 bag seeds from a bomb ass strain (Dont know what strain it is :-?) and it germinated fine. I planted it in some jungle growth and jiffy seed starting mix and i added perlite and worm casting. I waterd it...
  14. Smokin Thunder

    Need help with Nutes for newbie doing DWC

    Hi all, This is my first posting and Im getting ready to attemp my first grow ever and considering doing 2 plants a DWC and soil at the same time. What nutes can i use for the DWC grow. I was looking at Peters 20-20-20 but not sure if i can use that in a Hydro setup. Also will a 4X48" floro...