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  1. Smokin Thunder

    First grow now flowering need advice.. anyone.. fdd2blk..

    Thank you all.... I really appriciate all your help and resaponses. The lights are about 1 inch from the top of the plant and acording to my light meter they are getting a good amount of light and I rotate the side light around the top and bottom every few hours. I tied her down to help light...
  2. Smokin Thunder

    First grow now flowering need advice.. anyone.. fdd2blk..

    Hi all, Well Im almost at the end of my first grow and i must admit I've grown adicted to growing. I've had a great time careing and seeing the fruits of my labor almost ready for me and the wife to enjoy:mrgreen:. Now this grow if from some Dank stuff that we found a few seeds and decided to...
  3. Smokin Thunder

    When should i begin to give nutes to my clone?

    Hello to all the growing gurus!!! I'm on my first grow and my girl is doing great so i decided about 1 month ago to clone my baby. I took a bit but the 2 out of my 3 clone died and 1 took root and it looking great! My questions to you all is when should i begin to give my clone nutes? Hope all...
  4. Smokin Thunder

    Need help with transplanting 1 week into flowring

    Hello all... I have an issue with my girls. I bought soil from a nursury and needless to say its full of gnats and bugs!! Now after about 1 month my girls are getting nute lock since i see the leaves yellowing and dying. I've noticed her getting better after a few foliar feedings so i know its...
  5. Smokin Thunder

    Something wrong with my girls need help!!! please!!!

    They are inside under 12 26W CFL 6500K. The water has a PH of 6.5 and as far as for as the strain i have no idea, Bag seed from some Sticky Crazy potent Indica. Would the white sand ontop cause any problems? So basically o should take like 2 galllons of water with a 6.5 ph per pot? there are i...
  6. Smokin Thunder

    Something wrong with my girls need help!!! please!!!

    I've been giving them plain water the last 3 wattering. i just foliar feed them a few days ago. I thought they might have had a Magnesium deficeincy problem so i gave them some epsom salt both foliar and on the soil. Also my PH was above 7 according to a ph meter i have. Today i feed them some...
  7. Smokin Thunder

    Something wrong with my girls need help!!! please!!!

    Hey peeps im having an issue my babies:sad: I noticed last week both plants on began to turn yellow from the bottom up. The bigger of the two is in its 2 day of flowering now and i noticed that its turning yellow from the bottom up... The smaller on wich is 40 days vegging is almost all...
  8. Smokin Thunder

    First grow newbie

    nice grow dude! I only 3 plants going now On my first try. You should definetly lower your light to avoid streching. I killed my first plant ever due to keeping the light way to high and it caused the seedling to strech and fell over and i couldent save it :(. If your gonna use your floro's or...
  9. Smokin Thunder

    First grow need opinions [Pics included]

    anyone... Beuler Beuler
  10. Smokin Thunder

    First grow need opinions [Pics included]

    bump bump bump
  11. Smokin Thunder

    First grow need opinions [Pics included]

    Really?? on the package it says that it equals 100W with output of 1600 Lumens each?
  12. Smokin Thunder

    First grow need opinions [Pics included]

    Hello all, Being this is my first grow i need some opinions on how I'm doing. 2 1/2 weeks ago i germinated and planted one of a few bag seeds i got. When she sprouted she looked all weird with her leaves bending down. 10 days later shes looking like the last 3 pics. Right now i keep her under 2...
  13. Smokin Thunder

    Seedling leaves curling down? help please

    update!!! 9 days later and here's what she is looking like :weed: How long before do you guys think before i can transplant her into a bigger clay pot to where she will live untill she ready for harvest?
  14. Smokin Thunder

    Newbie question on seedling.. In bad need of help

    Update!!! She seems to be doing fine after checking in on her today. She stood str8 up and her leaves are wide open... not to mention the first pair of the real leaves are comming out too!!! She's a survivor! looky how she turned out overnight!!!!
  15. Smokin Thunder

    Newbie question on seedling.. In bad need of help

    What up? well, I decived to leave a seed germinating monday night and today when i got home i noticed this puppy roots grew through the paper and and even already droped the shell!!! Now, the root looked really white and the leaves looked like other seedlings i've seen when they sprout. I...
  16. Smokin Thunder

    Help with transplant question... newbe elarning

    Im definetly in the south :fire::joint:! I will definetly take your advice of atleast 5 inches. Now what if i just plant a seed i germinated outside in the yard directly where i want it to grow, wil or can it survive? It will have plenty of sun and it rains here... alot :mrgreen: