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  1. BlankCaption

    Getting Some Weed?

    Hahaha, very nice. xD Am I crossing bounds I shouldn't cross by posting this up here? xD If I am then I apologize!
  2. BlankCaption

    Getting Some Weed?

    Deleted, So sorry!
  3. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Yea, I have fixed the rockwool problem, turned off the hoses, letting it dry out for a bit, raised the water level too, just so that when the roots come down they will have readily available water. (Raised the water level AFTER completely changing it that is haha, and I will indeed change it...
  4. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Alright, so picture updates. I took a couple this morning and a couple now. I don't know, there is very minor change, but I think they look like they may be getting SLIGHTLY better. Blackberry's new leaves look nice, but the old ones may be a lost cause. This Morning (Afghan first, then...
  5. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    To be honest Dub, I have been told that the set of little lights wouldn't be enough for my 2 plants. So I have my doubts that it will work for three. But who knows, it may! You might just not get as huge a yield off of them. Because they say you get .5 grams per watt of lights. Alright, thanks...
  6. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Yea man. The big ones are the Dual Spectrum 2 lights. They are 75 bucks. Not too bad. lol If I remember the price correctly that is. I think that was what they were. Just too lazy to check. xD Haha. I think I am still burnt out from going to a vapor lounge last night. But it was soooo sick there.
  7. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    After the reservoir change, I am going to wait until the end of the day for the pictures, just because I want to give them a chance to bounce back from the brutal water they were getting. I think the change in reservoir may be all they actually needed from me. xD I will still pick up PH stuff to...
  8. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Ugh. I am so stupid for not having checked the reservoir yet. -.- I just changed it, it had emptied about half way from the mark I set for 6 gallons, and as such I am sure that the quality of the little water left was not good. SO hopefully this fresh water will help these guys spring back up to...
  9. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Also, should I just take the pump out of the thing completely and only mist from here on in then?
  10. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Really bad news guys.... both plants are now showing much worse signs now that I have turned off some of the light and taken away some of the water like you were saying. I am going to go out and get a PH reader today to see if that is the issue.... I am extremely worried.... I also have not...
  11. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Alright, so I turned off the two large lights and I kept the two little ones on (the large and small lights are both dual spectrum sets, so I wanted to keep them both on, just because), and I will see if that helps the little guys out at all, hopefully I will see some change. I actually checked...
  12. BlankCaption

    My First Ever Grow....

    Hey everyone, I was just wondering if I could get a question answered, I don't mean to take away from your grow man, but one of my plants looks really rough, and I just don't know what to do. :/ I mean...the plant is still green, but it is wilting like a mother fucker...
  13. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    I shall keep prodding my fellow stoners until I find out if my Blackberry plant is dying or not. xD It is still really green.... just has limp leaves.
  14. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Hey folks! Anyone who is out the Afghan is looking REALLY GOOD! :D The blackberry however I am worried about, it seems to be wilting quite a bit, however, it is not turning any bad colors. Perhaps this is just how it grows? Afghan: Blackberry: Should I put my first feeding of nutes...
  15. BlankCaption

    My First Ever Grow....

    Wow man, those are looking really nice! Keep up the good work and you will reap the rewards on that one! :D
  16. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Just so everyone knows I would love to have you guys write posts, let me know how I am doing or what I should change as it goes on or even right now. xD I always like friendly discussion. xD
  17. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Hey folks! The blackberry is growing like a BOSS! Catching up to the afghan pretty quick, so I am rather happy about that. The Afghan is also starting to grow a second set of leaves. Things seem to be going well on day 6! ((Photo uploading doesn't seem to be working for me right now, so I am...
  18. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Hey folks! The Blackberry has opened up, I am posting some pics. The Afghan Kush is getting its leaves coming through and the Blackberry Bud is opened up and ready to go! Afghan: Blackberry:
  19. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Not much change today, the little sprout seems to be loving the lights right now, and the Blackberry seed I got in there is starting to poke his head up, so we are in business!
  20. BlankCaption

    First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

    Alright, after the first day, the little sprout is up and checking out the lights! Good to see for the Afghan Kush. The other is a Blackberry Bud, it did end up sprouting, but that guy just went in today. So I figured the day between them won't really matter that much in the long rung. Here the...